Chapter 19

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Nakoma arrived at Pocahontas's house with lots of animals to help them and protect them, but she finds Adoette knocked out on the ground. She immediately gets down on the ground and shakes her. "Adoette! Adoette! Wake up!" She shouts franticly. After a few minutes Adoette wakes up. "Adoette what happened?" Nakoma asks. "I was fighting with Rolfe while Pocahontas ran away but he knocked me out and I assume he has her." Adoette says as she gets up. "Don't worry we will get him." Nakoma says as makes sure Adoette is alright. Then she tells some of the animals to go and help Pocahontas.

John Smith gathers up every man able to fight. He then goes back to their house to check on Pocahontas. He finds Adoette and Nakoma in front of the house. Nakoma was taking care of Adoette. "Nakoma! Where is Pocahontas?" John asks frantically.  "I'm sorry John, I tried to give her enough time to run away but she couldn't run fast enough. Rolfe took her. I think he took her towards the ship." Adoette says as she starts to cry. At first John looks Angry but he wasn't angry at her, he was mad at Rolfe. Then his face turns soft. "It's not your fault Adoette." John says as he pats her back. "John you better go get her before they leave for London." Nakoma says as she worries about her friend. "Ok Powatan should be here soon, I will go save my wife from that monster." He says as he starts to run towards the ships. 

John runs across the land and finds Rolfe pulling Pocahontas through the forest heading to the ship. "Stop Rolfe!" John says as he stops beside his wife. "Oh look who it is. If it isn't John Smith? Its been a long time." He says with a smirk on his face. John Smith's face fills with rage. "Let my wife go! Can't you see she is going to have a baby any day now?!" He yells. Pocahontas suddenly feels a stabbing pain. "Ahhhhh!" She yells. "Pocahontas! What's wrong?" John asks. Rolfe looks concerned as well. "I Think the Contractions are starting!" Pocahontas says as she holds on to her husband. John helps her lie down. "What is happening?" Rolfe asks. John turns and looks at him surprised and angry. "What do you think is happening? She is having the baby you idiot!" "No, no, no! She cant have the baby now!" Rolfe says. "Do you think we have a choice?!" John asks as he tries to comfort his wife. "Well that doesn't matter because you aren't going be alive to see the baby." Rolfe says as he pulls out a knife. Pocahontas Gasps. "No! No! Please! I love him! Please don't kill him." Pocahontas yells. "You Love him? Well, I'm sorry, but now I really am going to have to kill him." He says as he gets closer to John. "Why? Why do you have to kill him?!" Pocahontas asked. "Because, I love you!" Rolfe yells. "You don't even know me!" Pocahontas yells before she has another contraction. "Don't worry baby! We got this." John says as he kisses her head and gets ready to fight. John gets up. Rolfe lunges at John with the knife. John dodges the knife and starts to fight with Rolfe.

Nakoma and Adoette finally arrive at the scene and see Pocahontas having contractions. The Great Powatan leads the troops around and tries to get a good spot to attack Rolfe. Rolfe and John Smith roll over quite a bit away from where Pocahontas was laying down on the ground. Nakoma and Adoette hurry over to Pocahontas and help her up and sneak her out of sight. Then they lie her back down. "Pocahontas are you alright?" Nakoma asks. "Yeah..... But this baby is coming today.... I hope John will put Rolfe away for good." Pocahontas says as she holds on to her baby bump and then screams from another contraction. "How long have you been having Contractions?" Adoette asks with concern. "Um... I think about a half hour ago. And they are getting closer together. "Has your water broke yet?" Adoette asks again. "No but it should any time now right?" Pocahontas asks. "Yes it should be any time now." Adoette replied "Is John kicking Rolfe's butt?" Pocahontas asks as she tried not to focus on the pain. Nakoma looks over at the two Johns and sees that John Smith is on top of Rolfe at the moment and punching him in the face. "Oh Yes. He is kicking his butt big time!" She says as she smiles at her best friend.

Then Rolfe pushes John off of him and gets up. Then one of the Indians comes out and attacks Rolfe from behind with a knife to his throat. Rolfe puts his hands up in the air. "Ok ok, you win!" He says. "Good now leave and never return!" Powatan yells as the Indian starts to let go. "Ok." Rolfe says as he starts to walk away. Then he stops and turns around with a pistol. "On second thought no!" He starts to fire shots while everyone tries to dodge the bullets. Then some of John's men pulls up behind and shoots Rolfe in the head! Boom! Rolfe was killed instantly. "Great work men. Now let's get my daughter somewhere more comfortable to have her child." Powatan says loudly so everyone can hear him. A few of the men including John, nod and head towards Pocahontas.

During the fight with Rolfe, Pocahontas's water broke. "Ahhhh!!! My water broke." She yells. "Don't Worry, the fight is almost over." Nakoma says as she holds her hand. Soon after that the fight was over and John rushes over to his wife and takes her hand. "What did I miss?" He asks as he and a few men lift her off the ground. "My Water Broke!" Pocahontas says in pain.
"Ok well we are going to get you to the ship." Pocahontas nods. "Adoette we will need you to deliver the baby so please come with us." John says as they start to carry her quickly towards the ship. Adoette nods and follows. The others head back to the village and get ready for the new baby.

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