Chapter 18: "Do you think I'm lying?"

Start from the beginning

It must have been especially difficult for the (h/c) haired girl.

It wasn't just the fact that she had lost her father, it was the fact that she was now alone. No father, mother or sibling left. She was left all alone to fend for herself. Of course, she had company in the form of the others in the program, but it wasn't quite the same as knowing that there's someone waiting for you at home.

Everyone had been going through training that was specifically for Warriors. Well, everyone except for Porco Galliard. Even so, none of that training compared to what (Y/n) was being put through.

While certain aspects of being a Warrior, like regeneration and transformation, were fairly straightforward, there were certain aspects to being a Warrior that required... special training. The training that (Y/n) currently attended was one that no one else participated in. Not because they didn't want to, but because they couldn't.

"Yes, sir." (Y/n) called in return, standing up and pulling her arms in front of her.

Bullet holes were scattered along the sleeves of the girl. It was clear that this hellish training had been going on for a while.

The commander raised the gun.

(Y/n) readied herself for the shot.


Blood poured from the newly created wound.


Tears fell from the (h/c)ette's eyes; eyes which were usually (e/c) that flashed bright blue for a moment.


Sparks danced off the girl's forearms.

The look of a blue crystal as it crept up the (h/c)ette's arm, despite the fact that it was the first time I had seen it happen, felt familiar. Like I had seen it happen a thousand times before and would see it a thousand times after.

A name I didn't recognize danced on the tip of my tongue. I had to stop myself from calling it to keep from looking like a fool.

It definitely wasn't someone I knew, but it felt like it was someone I should have known. Perhaps a girl with strangely silver hair, or a boy who always seemed to be chasing after a girl who never turned to look his way.

"Annie!" A girl's voice rang, "you waited for me!"

I blinked when I realised I hadn't moved from where I initially exited the building. But I guess the smile on (Y/n)'s face made the wait worth it.

I shrugged, "the others are still inside if you want to walk home with them."

"If I wanted to walk home with them, I would've left to find them!" (Y/n) stated as though it was a matter of fact. The skeptical look I gave her must have prompted the girl to ask "Do you think I'm lying?"

Her question took me by surprise. It took me a moment longer than I would've liked to gather up a response.

"I... why would anyone want to hang out with me?"

"Well, there's really no reason for me to not want to hang out with you!"

My eyes trailed up towards (Y/n) who stood in front of me. I never really enjoyed being in the company of others before I met you. I wonder why that is?


Opening my eyes to an unfamiliar room only served to be a reminder that I wasn't home anymore. Not that I had been home for a while. Even so, it still felt strange to know that I was an ocean away from home. Away from my father.

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