Damage Control

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Early Friday morning at the Russo household was going smoothly as everyone slept until Azjay got a horrifying phone call.
"Hello" she answered confusedly at the number of the hospital.
"Is this Azjay Russo?" A male asked.
"This is she" Azjay stated
"We are calling regarding to a Jae Cruz,he was in an accident and is in critical condition" The male said as Azjay heart stopped beating,she was at a loss for words.
"Ma'am" The male called. No reply. "Ma'am" No reply.
"What hospital?" Was all she asked.
"St. Lewis Hospital"
"Thanks" she mumbled then hung up. She quickly waked up Amani.
"B-babe what is wrong" Amani said as she sat up.
"Jae got in an accident" Azjay rushed as she threw on some clothes rushing into Jordan's room who was still asleep. She decided to let her be and walked back in their room as Amani sat there completely dressed.
"C'mon then" Amani said as they locked up and got in the car.
Drive to the hospital was quick but Azjay couldn't help but think for the worse. They made it to the front desk.
"Jae Cruz"Amani said while she held Azjay's shaking hand.
"He's still in surgery ma'am you have to wait" The lady said nicely
"Ok thank you" Amani said pulling Azjay in the waiting area where they say Marissa sitting there crying on her fathers shoulder. Azjay's feet couldn't hold her up as she dropped to the floor,tears blurring her vision. Amani accompanied her girlfriend on the floor holding her close as she cried on her chest.
"I-I c-c-can't l-lose him to" Azjay sobbed.
"And you won't babe" Amani assured her holding her closer then before.

It was passing on to two hours and Marissa and Amani were fast asleep,while Azjay stared out the hospital windows. Azjay saw Jordan's reflection in the mirror and turned around slowly walking towards her.
"I tried to get here quicker but.." Azjay cut Jordan off by hugging her,Jordan was caught off guard but excepted the embrace. A strong male voice made them pull away.
"Family for Jae Cruz" The doctor said grabbing everyone's attention.
"His lungs was filled with his own blood,he had some head injury but it won't cause any amnesia and he had four broken ribs and a broken tibia,an a broken  shoulder blade and some scaring and he's currently in a medically induced coma,I honestly don't know how he survived that crash" The doctor explained
"Can we see him though" Marissa piped in
"Yes you can,just be very careful his lungs are hooked up to a breathing tube" The doctor said and Marissa heart broken into a million.
They made their way to Jae's room each an every one of their heart pounding the closer they got. Marissa swallowed the lump in her throat and opened the door.
The beeping from Jae's machine made tears come to Marissa and Azjay's eyes. Jae was hooked up to at least four different machines and he had a tube down his throat. He looked dead his chest wasn't rising but the sound from his heartrate machine proved he wasn't dead.
"Baby" Marissa cooed as she stroked his cheek letting tears fall. Azjay on the other hand was to shocked to move. She couldn't believe what she was seeing her father figure Jae Cruz was lying in a hospital bed in critical condition. Her thinking about him dying made her cry.
Jordan just stood there with an emotionless face trying not to cry even though she just met the guy,he was growing on her.
"I need some fresh air" Marissa stated then got up.
"I'll join you"
"Me too"
They left out the room leaving Azjay alone as she strutted towards Jae's bed. She grabbed his slightly cold hand in hers.
"I'd never thought i'd see this sight,its scary" She laughed
"But Jae you have to wake up,you were supposed to be here when Amani gives birth, when we get married,I have to kick your ass at pool. She stared at his lifeless body and listened to the beeping of his machine. Wiping her tears she continued talking.
"Oh we were thinking about baby names D'shawn for a boy and Kennedy for a girl makes sure teach them the ropes yanno" Azjay laughed. She couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Jae this isn't the time for you to quit on us Marissa needs you I-I need you more than anything just please please wake up" She then felt a slight grip on her hand and snapped her head up to meet his.
"Jae can you hear me?" Another grip was felt and Azjay sighed happily.
"Ok um one squeeze for yes,two for no ok" She felt him grip her hand. Marissa then walked in with a red puffy face.
"Guys come here" Azjay directed them.
"He can hear me watch" All three pairs of eyes were fixated on the statuted Jae.
"Ok Jae one for yes two for no" Azjay said and he squeezed her hand. The others gasp an Azjay smiled. Marissa placed his right hand in hers
"Ok Jae Marissa is holding your right hand and Azjay your left,I'm gonna ask you a question and your gonna squeeze Marissa hand for no and Azjay's for yes" Amani instructed.
"Do you remember what happened before the person hit you?" A squeeze was delivered to Azjay's hand.
"Was it a man driving?" Another squeezed was sent to Azjay hand.
"Did you get a glimpse of him?" He then gripped Marissa's hand.
"How about the kind of car?" A grip was sent to Azjay hand. The machine beeping slowed down indicating Jae was asleep. They dropped their grip and stood.
"Its progress" Amani pointed out.
"Its not enough progress" Azjay snapped
"But its something" Marissa said holding her shoulder. The doctor then came in telling them it time to go. Marissa kissed Jae's forehead and Azjay held his hand before walking out.
The ride home was heart wrenching Azjay couldn't help but think what would happen if Jae died. Azjay then felt guilty for what,she doesn't know. Azjay grabbed her famous bottle of Hennessey and locked herself in the basement and she drunk until she passed out.

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