"What's wrong? Why did you leave the bed?"

"I have a lot on my mind. I'm so confused." He said to her.

"Is it something i can help with?" She asked.

"Toun is alive." He told her. He look at her but her expression did not change from been concern.


"Yes. She talk with Anna and i also talk to her. She is the one. It's been eighteen years dear. I don't know what to say. I couldn't ask the questions that i always wanted to ask or tell her what i wanted to say. I'm confused on what to do. I don't even know i feel." Nathaniel said confused.

She took his hands in hers and look him in the eyes.

" Do whatever you think is best. Don't think about anything. You can go and visit her and get answers to your unasked questions. I trust you. She is the mother of your child and you did married her. Go, if you need to." Julia said sincerely. She gave him her support.

" Are you okay with it? "

" I'm totally fine by it. I am sure Anna will want to see her mother. Don't deny the lady of her mother twice. So do whatever you have to do. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I trust you. "She answered honestly.

"I can't thank you enough. Thanks dear. I love you. "He said truthfully. He pull her closer and she sat on his thigh." I don't know what i would have done. "

He is more than grateful for her support. He don't want her feel like he is abandoning her or doesn't love her anymore. He love her and will always do. He is glad she understands.

"Thank you." He appreciated wholeheartedly. She smile and kiss him. He kiss her back slowly moving his hands all over her body. He pull back to remove her robe and he threw it somewhere in the room.

They continued their passionate moment hungrily. He kiss her temple and then her neck and she moan loudly. He move down to her breast. He remove the thin clothe covering them and he kiss them. He move back to her mouth and he roll the nipple with his fingers still kissing her. Then he carried her to their room to give in to the flesh.


Toun was getting weaker by the day. Her breathing was irregular, she have  shortness of breath and pain in the chest.

Nathaniel had promise to come to Nigeria with his family to see her. She look forward to seeing them. And she pray so hard to live to see them once more before she dies.

"Nathaniel and  Annabel are coming back to Nigeria." Hope said to her family.

She had told Dammy and Isabella about Nathaniel and their elder step sister. She also tell the truth about Hope paternity to them just like he requested.

They had accepted the truth sadly but it didn't change anything. The bond between them was strong as ever.

"Nigeria? He is not in Nigeria?" Eunice asked shock written all over her face. She wasn't the only one surprise, her parents were also perplexed.

"Yes. He had been in the state for thirteen years now." Toun said looking at her father in the eyes. His eyes betray his emotion. He was shocked.

Its has been eighteen years what had he expected? Toun thought to her self.

She is happy that he made it and she is going to make sure they see what he had become in the years. She will make them regret and cried for what they did to her relationship. She is going to make sure they never look down on any one ever again.

"Who is Annabel?" Eunice asked her sister almost quietly in shame of what she just asked.

"Our elder sister." Hope answered exasperated.

"Why are you been rude?" His grand father asked angrily.

"This is my father's house, you don't tell me what to do. She does not even worth my respect." Hope said to the old man, hatred lacing his voice.

He had refuse to stay in the same room with his grandfather but His parent had pleaded with him to stay.

Ever since his mother told him everything that he did, all the respect and love he had for him disappear and the only thing he had left for him was hatred and anger.

Mr Joseph turn to look at Toun and her husband.

"He knows. I've told him everything." Toun said coldly.

He look at the boy and he could see how much he was disgusted by his presence and the hatred he have for him. And he remembered Nathaniel.

He look away shamefully.

"Is this why you called us?" Mrs Mopelola asked her daughter sadly.

"Yes. And i want you to be there when he comes. All of you. If you don't" She said when her father look at her like she was crazy. "I will never forgive you."

He lock eyes with her looking at her not believing what she just said.

She want to humilate him. She want him admit that he was wrong about Nathaniel. She want to force his hand. But she is wrong.

Nathaniel might had gone to the State with his family but he is always going to be nothing to him.

"And what do you mean?" He asked.

His stupid pride and ego. Toun thought not breaking the eye contact.

"It's obvious i don't have much time left. I'm going to swear for you if you don't do what i ask. Don't try me dad." She said. And he knew she meant what she said.

He will do what she asked but whatever she plans won't work. He said to himself.

"Okay." He said forcefully.

Unbreakeable Bond #Project Nigeria ☑️ [EDITING] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن