Chapter Forty

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Months later....

Japheth hand a glass of milk to Toun. She smile weakly and thank him taking the glass from him.

"Do you need anything else?" Mrs Mopelola asked her daughter.

She shake her head. "No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Toun answered exasperated.

It been months and Toun had done two chemotherapy. The chemotherapy is not really helping. It is painful and yet it only help in slowing the tumor from growing not stoping it. The tumor had grown to her lung but she did surgery to remove it from her lung.

In those few months, things change a lot in her family. After she told her children about the cancer, they show how sad they were. They cried for days looking pathetic and it was like she was already dead.

They became closer to her and become more sympathetic to her. They never want to leave her side. And they never stop asking how she feel.

Her parents also became concern when they were told. Her mother who had only called once after she left Australia with her family to know if she was still angry with her came to visit her for the first time since she returned. She also asked for forgiveness from her.

Toun had been reluctant to forgive her. But she knew she have only few time left, and she finally forgive her. Her father had also came and he was sincerely concern but his pride did not make him admit his wrongdoings and to ask for forgiveness. So she pretend like it was nothing even if she still hate him for what he did to her.

They were all concerned about her. They make her do nothing because after each surgery and chemotherapy, she becomes weak.

Her head is now bald and she was thinner and pale. But she still act strong.

"Stop treating her like a baby grandma." Hope said to his Grandmother after noticing how his mother feels with her questions and over protectiveness.

"I'm not." She said sincerely hurt. "I'm just concern."

"She can walk and do things by herself. She can also talk and ask for help. So Stop treating her like she is helpless or a baby." Hope said angrily and he stood up and walk away.

"Hope." Toun called but he didn't turn back  but walk out of their presence. "He is right mom. I'm grateful that you are concern but stop treating me like i am child. It will only hurt them more."

The old woman nodded sadly.


"I hate seeing her that way. She is suffering within and she won't admit it." Hope said on the phone to Nancy who had become a listener, a best friend and a human diary for him in the past months.

He had found comfort in telling her his mind. He rely on her for comfort, advise and ear whenever he feels heartbroken about his mother condition.

The doctors had given her fifteen months but it doesn't like it going to last long as that. She was getting weaker by the day.

He don't want to lose his mother. He is now having sleepless night thinking about his mother.

Nancy had been a good friend that always been listening to his feelings patiently and helping him get through the day with words of encouragement.

"She don't want you to be worried. You know that right?"

"But i can't help it. Why does this has to happen?" He asked.

"Just stay strong for her and your siblings. It will be fine." Nancy advise.

He nodded. "Okay." He said even if it is an hard task.

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