Chapter Sixteen

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Nathaniel sat on the arm chair opposite Toun father. He was still staring hard at him. And he made it hard for him to read him because he wore a blank expression on his face. He promised himself before entering the office that he will never stoop low in front of him. The man doesn't deserve his humility.

"I asked you to come because I have heard of how you manipulate my daughter into marrying you because you need her money. Am I right?" The elderly man asked confidently.

"If I tell you no, you won't believe me. So believe whatever you want sir." Nathaniel answered the man.

As much as he want to gain the favor of the man and also the fact that he was the father of the woman he loves, he can't help the feeling he have for the man. And that was anger and hatred. He just couldn't help it. What he did to him that day was enough for him to hold grudge against him forever.

He laughed. "I see you lack manners. Is that how your so called mother taught you?" Nathaniel gave him no reply but clenched his hand on his thigh. As much as he want to tell the man what he have in mind, he just couldn't. 

The old man continued. "I don't have time to keep sitting with you here. The reason I asked you to meet me here is because I need to tell you to leave my daughter alone."

"I'm sorry sir. You can't decisions for me. I love your daughter. She is now my wife and the mother of her child. Very soon I am going to come pay her bride price to you to fulfill all righteousness." Nathaniel said to the man.

The man laughed mockingly. "Bride price to who? Me? You are a big fool young man. That is my daughter and she is never ever going to be your wife. That thing you called a wedding that you did is just a joke. A big joke. I'm going to tell you this young man. You can never have my daughter. You don't worth her. Do you even have the money to pay for her bride price? Who do you think you are and how do you want to pay a bride price for my own child? Don't fantasize too much young man. It's useless to do so."

Nathaniel felt like a knife had been pierced into his heart at the man words. And he felt miserable.

"So I am going to tell you again, LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE. And don't expect anything from me because you won't recieve a penny. You have exhort enough from my daughter already."

"I never exhort any money from your daughter sir. You can ask for yourself. I never did that. I love your daughter so I can't do that." Nathaniel replied and the man scoffed.

"Oh really?! So leave my daughter alone and go look for a miserable pathetic woman in your class to get married to and not my daughter."

"I love your daughter and I already swore to be with her in sickness and health. I made a promise to her and I am going to fulfill those promises. So I am sorry sir, it is impossible to leave my wife."


Nathaniel stared at him blankly. "That is our decision to make sir. And moreover you are talking like she is a thing that you can control. Do you have to stand in the way of our love? You know that we love each other and that I will never hurt her. But you just don't want to give your consent. Why do you hate me so much?" Nathaniel asked the man, with a clenched teeth.

He just couldn't understand why the man hates him so much. Why he doesn't want to give him a chance.

"That's because you are worthless. You are a no body. You can't even afford something good thing. You are miserable. You are a disappointment. Imagine you finished as an engineer in school and here you are with no hope for the future and mere factory worker. And you think you are worth my daughter. My daughter was given the best things of this life. She deserves the best things. And you can never afford that. You can't. You can never give my daughter a good life because you are from a generation of useless people that no one knows." Tha man replied him. And Nathaniel felt his heart shattered into thousands pieces. His words had touched him. He felt defeated and pathetic that someone could think of him that way. He felt tear pool at thr back of his eyes from the pain he felt in his heart. He closed his eyes and he tried to hold the tears that threatened to fall.

Unbreakeable Bond #Project Nigeria ☑️ [EDITING] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz