Chapter Six

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It's been three months since the birth of Annabelle, Nathaniel and Toun daughter. Toun was finding it hard to cope with her studies. As much as she loves her daughter, she was finding it hard to cope without anyone to help her except Tobi who is also preparing for their final year exam before going to bar school. Nathaniel has been a help also but it doesn't change much.

She is the one having sleepless night, taking her to class, leaving lecture room to feed her whenever she cries. She was way too young to be taken to  creche and she knows Nathaniel won't like the idea of dropping her with a friend or at creche. He loves the little girl like she is the world to him.

Sometimes, she thought he would give up on both of them now that she had given birth just like most young men of his age does to avoid responsibility. But he never did that. He take responsibility of everything. He cares a lot. He work extra time to support them. And she couldn't imagine how it would feel if he have a good job with good pay. She knows he will spoil her and their daughter with riches just like her father.

He has a good heart and that was she saw in him the first time they met. She had met him at a party he and his band was invited to play. It was a school party which was organized by the faculty of science.

She was born into wealth but she never stop having dreams. She believes Nathaniel was going to be a great guy even a great husband if he eventually decides to marry her and that is why she kept onto him.


"It's getting too hard for me Nathan." Toun complained to Nathaniel where he sat playing his guitar. He raised his head to look at her. "I love my daughter but I don't think I can handle it anymore. My bar exam is coming up and I don't know how to concentrate with her." She looked at the sleeping child on the bed. Nathaniel followed her eyes and he heaved a sigh.

"I understand but what should we do? She's just three months old, we can't take her to creche." He said, pained.

"I know but we have to come up with something." Toun replied.

Nathaniel breathed out loudly. He dropped his guitar on the floor resting it gently on the bed. He bowed his head and tried to think of how to help her. He knows it was never part of their plan to have a child while studying. But now that they do, they are in it together and he have to help her.

"Maybe ... we should tell your parents. They might change their mind when they see her. After all she is their grandchild. They might get a nanny for her." Nathaniel suggested.

"That is not going to work. I know my parents they won't listen. They are not supposed to know I have a child. They will think I'm a diagrace to the family." She answered, not considering that as an option.

"We can't be sure. They might accept us... Or the both of you which is fine with me." Nathaniel said, hopefully.

"Don't you think I have thought of that." She said almost too loud. She sighed so she could be calm and continued. "I don't want this too. I hate to know that my parents will not accept you. It's hurt me but I have to do this for the both of you. I know my parents, they will never accept you. Most especially now that I have a child for you. They will believe you are a bad influence and you have ruin their perfect daughter life. I can't let them do that to you."

It hurt Nathaniel to hear that her parents will never accept him no matter what he does. They want a rich man who could give her the kind of life that they gave her. He also do not enjoy suffering and he don't want her to suffer. He want to give her the best but he have no control over fate.

"Alright." He agreed sadly. "But what can we do?"

She shake her head slowly.

"I think we don't have a choice but to take her to my mom." He suggested

"But your mom is still mad at you" She said worried.

"I just have to talk to her." He shrugged

"If she do agree we can't give her Anna. She is on wheelchair and she is on her own. I can't burden her with my own problems." Toun said obviously concern.

Nathaniel smiled. He love to see her worried face somehow it make him smile. "She is capable of doing anything even on the chairs. You don't have to worry about that. Iya Dotun is capable of doing anything." Toun smiled. "So if I can convince her, she won't hesitate to help. Anna is her granddaughter after all. Remember I was twelve when she had the accident. She solely took care of me since then. She is a strong woman."

"I admire her. My mom can't do that." She admitted with a sad smile.


Nathaniel decided to pay his mother a visit. His home is another state away from his school. He does not want to bother Toun with the expenses of his T. fare so he asked his best friend to borrow him money to travel to Lagos.

He left late in the afternoon on Friday after his lecture.

His mother was happy to see him. She had not seen him for almost five months. He lives at school and stay with his friends during the holidays while he work and at the same time goes to different show to play.

"You decided to live in school, leaving me all alone." Allyson, his mother said as she watched her son eat.

She have missed him a lot. He is the only family she has left since the death of her husband and Nathaniel younger sister.

The accident had happened ten years ago. They were on their way back from Gabriel, Nathaniel father home town when they have an accident that took away her husband and daughter. She had been lucky to survive. After weeks in coma, she woke up to find herself cripple and a widow.

Nathaniel was having his exam at school so he was left with the neighbor while they traveled for the important meeting in the village. And so he was spared.

"You know I don't have a choice. I have to do this so I can pay my school fees." He said "But I miss you too momma."

She smiled proudly. "So what is it?"

He looked up not understanding her question. "What?"

"Don't play me for a fool Nathan. I know you didn't come home to just see my face. Why do you come home?" Mrs Allyson asked her son with a raised brow

Nathaniel cleared his throat and shrugged. He still don't understand how the women in his life got to know him so well. His mother was always quick to understand things. The same thing with Toun.

"I just came back mom. And yes, you are right. I came for another purpose but also to see you." He agreed. There wad no point denying it. And he continued with his food.

"Alright, what is the other purpose?" She asked curiously.

"I will tell you tomorrow. I'm tired I need to eat and rest first. I have miss my home and you." He said. She nodded.

"Okay. Mo to gbo e. Whenever you are ready." She agreed.

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