Chapter Twenty Three

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Nathaniel sat in a bar with his best friend from college. Work has keep them apart. He decided to visit him that morning.

After they both saw his daughter off to school, they went to a bar that Lanre told him was his favorite in his car.

"So how are you doing with Toun...." He couldn't finish the sentence.

"How do you want me to? I'm movimg on" He shrugged taking a shot of his drink.

"You know that you can open up to me. I know how much you love her. It's painful because i can't imagine losing Cynthia." He said

"I have a daughter that needs me and i don't want to be the cause of my mother untimely death. I have to move on even if it hurt." He said honestly.

"I'm so sorry you have to deal with this alone." He said feeling sorry for his friend.

"I miss her."

"Noone knows that better than i do." Lanre said. "I have seen how you look at her. I know how much you love her. But are you really going to give her up?"

Nathaniel knew what his friend was talking about. He had told him he was confident and sure Toun parent had something to do with her disappearance.

"What do want me to do? The police has already given up. Probably been payed by her father. I am just some poor guy going insane over his wife. There is nothing i can do."

"I am not rich. I am a nobody."

"You are not. I've know you for almost ten years. You have a heart of gold. That is why Toun loves you. She see the good in you. Money doesn't define your attitude. And Toun knows that, and that is why she loves you. That's why i love and accept you as my best friend. " Lanre said to him honestly.

Nathaniel said nothing. He pour himself another drink and he drink slowly. His gaze was somewhere far away.

" Do you know what keeps me going every morning? " He asked. Lanre said nothing but gave him a questioning look." That one day he is going to come back and beg on his knee like i once did. "

His friend did not know what to say to that. But He knew he was broken and hurt. He was doing perfectly well hiding his pain until now.

He had done it before,when he lost his father and sister and his mother became cripple. He knew more than anyone that he hated seeing his mother on that chair and there was nothing he could do to help her.

He always wanted to help and it hurt him when he can't.


Tobi had came to visit Nathaniel and his family. She came with her three year old son. She was heavily pregnant and Nathaniel could not imagine how hard it was for her to travel from Ibadan to lagos to see him and his family.

She bought some stuff with her too which he was grateful for.

"This is really too much Tobi. Thank you so much." Nathaniel appreciate.

"Its nothing. Toun was my best friend." She said her eyes teary

She had been a good and loyal friend. He can't count all she had done for him and Toun in the past and now.

She called every day to ask of the progress of Toun search and how he was holding up. She sometimes talk to Anna on the phone saying sweet word to her.

She was the kind of friend anyone will love to have.

He owe her alot.

"God bless you my daughter. I don't know how to thank you. I appreciate everything you've done for us." Mrs Allyson appreciated sincerely.

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