Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Mom. Mom." Isabella shouted as she bend over her mother that lay on the floor.

Dammy and Hope ran inside the kitchen, shock and worries written on their innocent face. Dammy stood frozen at the door staring at his mother on the floor.

"Mom. Mom. What's happened?" Hope asked his sister.

"I don't know. I saw her fall and she isn't moving." She replied with a shaking voice. The fear were obvious on them and tears begin to swell in her eyes.

Hope turn back to his mother and his chest twisted with pain and fear but he knew he had to be strong for his sibling and act fast.

"What are you doing over there Dammy? Come here let take her to the hospital." Hope said to his brother. He nodded and he move slowly toward his mother that lay motionless on the floor. He was already crying. "Stop crying she is going to be fine. Go call the driver to prepare the car."

Isabella look at her mother and then ran out of the kitchen to do as her brother instructed while the two brothers try to carry their mother to the car.


Japheth ran into the reception room of the hospital his wife had been brought to. He met his children and the driver sitting with other people in the room. They look very worried.

He had came running from a meeting after Hope called him that they were taking Toun to the hospital. They were clueless regarding what happen to her.

"Hey." He said to them.

They look up at him with a sad eyes. Dammy had already cried because his eyes were red. He and his twin sister Isabella ran to embrace him.

"Daddy I'm scared. I don't want mommy to die." She cried into his chest.

"Don't say such thing. Mommy is going to be fine. Calm down." He said to them and more to himself because he was also scared.

He try to stay calm. He was curious to know what had happened to his wife because She was alright in the morning before he left home that morning and she had been fine. He wonder what could had happened.

He look at the driver who look at him and the kids sympathetically. Hope was quiet and he keep looking at his feet.

"Hope." He called his name.

He glance up at him. His face was expressionless. He had never seen him like that. He was sure that the boy was hiding his pain in the camouflage of an expressionless face. He was amaze at the boy bravery.

"She will be fine." He said to them and also to himself.


It has been a week since the incident in the kitchen. Toun had return home to her family and the kids had gone to stay with their father younger brother and his family.

Toun sat together with her husband Japheth on the sofa in the living room. He was holding the papers that shows the result of the diagnosis.

He squeeze the edges of the paper with his hand that held it in a fist. Sadness was written all over his face. She could see the tears that swell in his eyes.

She was sad too because she had also seen the results. She had requested the result be given to her and the doctor had comply. She had weep bitterly after seeing the results before showing it to her husband.

"I'm so sorry." She said bitterly.

He turn to look at her with his blood shot eyes. "No. You shouldn't apologize. This isn't yiur fault. It is  noone fault. You should not blame yourself for this..... It might be because we are not prayerful enough."

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