Chapter Twenty Four

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She look from her father to her mother then to Eunice who was obviously more angry than her parents. She don't know why she always act stupid and senseless. If she could have a second life, she will ask for another sister - a good one.

She look away and she took a seat on her dressing chair.

"Why are you here?" Toun asked coldly.

"Don't you dare speak to me with that tone. And is what am told true?" He asked exasperated.

"And what were you told?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Toun!" Her mother called but she didn't look at her. "You are pregnant."

"Yes, so what?"

"I am never going to let my own daughter give birth to a bastard."

"My child is not a bastard because he has a father and you are the reason he will never see his father." Toun yell at him.

"You are not having that child. I won't let you. Never." Her father said with a tone of finality.

She look at her mother who stare at her disappointed. She don't have to look at her sister to know she was with their father on it.

"If i can't have my child...."

She was cut short by her father. "Stop been stupid Toun. Nothing will change my mind. You are going to the doctor tomorrow to remove that abomination you are carrying."

"What about this?" She cut her self with an hair pin. They rush towards her. "Don't come closer." She warned. "If i won't have my baby then i am going to kill myself. And i mean it."

"I'm not going to change my mind." Mr Joseph said stubbornly.

She cut more deeper.

"And i also mean what i say." She said with a wry laugh.

"Joe please let her be. You don't want her to die. She is our daughter and we want the best for her. You brought her here for a reason not for her to kill herself. Please, I'm begging you." His wife pleaded looking at Toun bleeding hand.

"I will do whatever you want but let me have the child." Toun pleaded sobbing. "I won't talk about Nathaniel or Annabella or about going back to Nigeria. Please just let me have my baby. Please daddy."

He look confuse and also worried seeing her bleed.

"I promise dad."

"Go and call phoebe. Tell her to bring the first aid." He said to Eunice.

She nodded and she gave Toun a look and leave the room.

"You made a promise..... so i will let you have...... 'the child'" He said pronouncing the child like it was some rotten food.

But she didn't care as long as she could have her baby. She can't lose the child after losing Nathaniel and Annabella.

"Yes." She agreed.

"Fine then. So do as you promise." Toun nodded in agreement. If that was the sacrifice she was going to make to have her child, she will do it without hesitating.

But Nathaniel and their daughter will always remain in her heart and she will look forward to when they will meet again in the future - if they were ever going to meet again in their life time.

He gave a nod and walk out of the room without looking at her. She fell on the chair sighing with relief even if she was sad deep down.

Phoebe walk in with a first aid box together with Eunice.

Mrs mopelola move close to her daughter and she hold the hand that was still bleeding.

"Don't ever try that again Toun. Do you want to get yourself killed. You could have cut a vein." She was sincerely worried but she don't care. She don't care what any of them do or think anymore because they don't care about she think or feel.

"Let me clean the wound before it get infected. It could affect the baby." Phoebe said to Mrs Mopelola. She slowly move away.


"Nathaniel you have a letter." Mrs Allyson said to her son immediately he walk in. "I don't know what is in it but i have a feeling it is a good news."

Nathaniel smile at his mother anxiousness. She was hardly this way. But he hope she was right.

He sat on the arm of the sofa as he took the letter from his mother. She was watching him as he open the letter.

" Mom seriously! You are not Anna. If you were so curious, you should have open it." He said laughing.

She hit him playfully on the arms.

He tear the envelope which house the letter. And he bring out the letter in it. He opens the letter and read.

He could not believe his eyes. His eyes became wet with tears. And he brush his hair backward with his hand.

He gave his mother the paper and she read the contents of the paper.

"Oh my God! Thank you Lord!" She exclaimed. "Oh dear! Congratulation son. I told you it all going to be well."

He nodded as he let the tears flow freely.

He has been employed by one of the biggest oil company in the country as their engineer - but it was a very good position with an huge pay.

The letter has ask him to visit the managing director to know about his allowance and other things that come with the job.

He knew it was a huge offer and God has finally decide to answer his prayer.

"I am so happy for you son." His mother beam with joy. She had a broad smile on her face.

"Thanks mom." He appreciated with a smile then it fade away.

"What's wrong Nathan? Are you not happy?"

"I am but why now? Why after seven years?" He asked a little disappointed.

"We can't question God. His time is the best. He knows what is better for us."

"If i have this job eight month ago maybe Toun will still be here. Who will i party with now? Who is going to cheer me up and prepare me for tomorrow? I'm never going to hear her say  'i told you so, congratulations'" He sob.

Mrs Allyson place her hand on his back." I understand how you feel but you just have to accept. You know she is going to be happy to hear this. "

He sob harder in her arms.

Why is she not here? He thought. He want her more than ever. He want to feel her hands, her lips on his and those soothing words, those words of encouragement. He want to see that beautiful smile on her face.

It's hurt. It's hurt more than ever. He sob.


Another chapter finished. Praise God!




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