Chapter Fourteen

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It was late at night and Toun sat on her matrimonial bed with books, pictures and papers around her and some on the lamp table. She have a case later in the day which she was preparing for. Her Ipad was also lying on her thigh with a piece of her earpiece in her left ear. Nathaniel was fast alseep at her back where he occupy quarter of the bed. He was snoring lightly but not loud enough to disturb her work.

She had stopped working and was deep in thought. She had a lot of things on her mind aside from the case she had and that was making her not to concentrate on her work.

She was still staring at empty space, deep in thought with arms folded on her chest when Nathaniel stirred awake behind her. He turned around on the bed as his eyes accommodate to the small light in the room. He was already used to sleeping with light on  because of Toun. She finishes most of her work at night and she needs the light to work. Before he marry her, he loves sleeping in total darkness but he was used to it already.

He noticed her posture on the bed and he could tell that she was thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a husky voice.

Toun who was woken from her cloud of thought on hearing her husband question, turned to look at him and answered. "Nothing. I'm preparing for tomorrow case." She answered.

He didn't say anything but rubbed his eyes.

"Go back to sleep, I'm fine. I'm almost done." She told him and she turned back to her work. She pretended to take a folder in front of her.

Nathaniel stood up from the bed as quietly as he could, then he went to the toilet. Few minutes later, he returned to the room. Toun was looking through some pictures when he walked in. He climbed back on the bed but he didn't lay on it to sleep rather he sat on it looking at his wife.

"What's wrong Adetoun?" He asked, surprising his wife.

She looked at him quizzically.

"I'm fine. Nothing is wrong. Just working on this case. It's a bit tough because the evidence doesn't seem strong enough."

"I know you can handle that. I trust you but I am not talking about your work." He said, adjusting his position on the bed.

"What else do you want me to be doing up at this time if not work. As you can see... all this papers and books." She said gesturing to them.

"I did not hear sounds of papers."

She laughed lightly. "You were sleeping."

"But I'm not deaf. You know I don't sleep too deeply." She didn't reply because she knew it was the truth. "What's wrong dear?"

She finally decided to open up to him. He was the only one she trusted most to confine in.

"I'm kind of worried Hun." She finally said.

Nathaniel faced turned concern and he moved close to her.

"What is it about?" He asked with sincere concern.

"It had been a month since Eunice visit and I didn't hear anything from dad or mom. In fact, they've been so quiet. Even mom don't call me like she do anymore. And that is very usual. I don't like Eunice last words to me. And I know my sister so well. She will do anything to report me to dad. But I haven't heard anything from them."

"What if she didn't tell them anything? She might have had a change of mind you know." Nathaniel said.

Toun shook her head in disagreement.

"No. I know Eunice very well. She will gladly report me to dad. Her last words proved it."

"You can't say, she might have thought about it and decided not to tell on us." Nathaniel sound convincing.

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