Chapter Twenty Two

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Nathaniel heed his mother advise. He try to be there for his daughter. He began to look for another job since he already lost his previous job.

It was hard. Their bills was beginning to pule up. begin to pile up. He walk around looking for work and trying to forget the pain of losing his wife.

He promised himself to hide his pain from his daughter and his mother. It was hard on them seeing him sad and broken. In the past few days that he pretend to go back to normal, he saw the change in his mother and daughter.

Those sad lines has begin to disappear from his mother face and there was a bit of hope on them.

Annabella was also trying to get over the disappearance of her mother. She tried to act like it wss a normal thing. The little girl was able to know that her father was also suffering and he wasn't so happy with her current state. Especially her nightmare that was becoming a thing if concern and worry for the family. She tried her little best to focus on her training at the music school.

Her father was glad the music was giving his daughter motivation to continue holding on to his promise that her mother will come back. And she seems to be moving on.

He return back from his daily search on a very warm afternoon. The house was quiet. His mother was not in the living room which was unusual. She was always watching movie or reading. Those were her hobbies.

He went into the room but she wasn't there too. He hunch forward to take his phone from the back pocket of his jeans.

He dial a number and waited for the receiver to answer. There was no answer then the door bell ring. He look at his wrist watch. Annabella will still be at school. It wasn't closing hour. So he hurried to the door.

He was both surprised and relieved to see his mother. She was dressed in a beautiful native attire. He remembered the cloth was given to her as a birthday present last year by Toun. It stirred a memory. He sniffed in and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall down his eyes. He did not want his mother to see his reaction.

"Where do you go mom?" He asked with concern, acting like he didn't notice the cloth she wore.

"Atleast, you should let me in before asking me questions." She said with a brow arched.

He sighed, apologized and then he  moved aside for her to wheel herself in. He closed the door and helped her to the living room. He help to move her to one of the arm chair.

"Thank you." She appreciated.

"So where do you go?"

She looked at him and shook her head before she replied. "I went to look for a job."

"A what?" Nathaniel asked, exasperated.

"You heard me. I'm thristy, get me water to drink." She said. He frowned angrily but he did as he was told.

He stood up and he went to the dispenser to get water but he realized that they haven't refilled the dispenser for some time now. He heaved a frustrated sigh and he eent to the kitchen to get water for his mother. He brought back a glass of water and he gave it to her.

She nodded with appreciation and short prayer then took the glass cup from him and she drank all the content of the cup. She muttered a thanks to God, then she handed the cup back to him.

Nathaniel who had been patiently waiting for his mother to finish her water, recieved the cup and he dropped it on an empty table at the side of the chair he was sitting on. took glass cup filled with water.

"Why do you go out looking for a job? What do you need a job for?" Nathaniel asked when he wss sure his mother was ready to talk.

The woman looked up at him and she smiled.

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