Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Maybe." Toun replied sadly. She was also clueless why this could have happen to her. Especially at this period when everything has begin to turn to how she wanted it. When she is now happy and complete and had finally accept Japheth as her other half. When she had returned to the country she never thought she will ever come back. But now everything had begin to crumble.

"Are you going to tell the kids?"

"I don't know. I don't think i can. I'm worried about how they will feel about this. They will be hurt Japh."

"I know. But they need to know. I could tell them."

"I know. But can we wait? Maybe after hearing the doctor solution to this." She said looking at the paper in his hands.

He close his eyes and try so hard not to cry.

She understands he is hurt. But it hurt her more that she is the reason he is hurt. That she had always cause him pain. He had endure a lot of things for her. He had been patient with her and her father. She had made him feel 'second' and now that she was ready to repay him and be a good wife and treat him like the one, this happen.

"We will be fine. I will be okay. The doctor will find a solution to this and everything will be fine. I promise." She said, assuring him. "Just stay strong for us. I need you. We need you"

"I don't know how. I don't know how Toun." He said with a crack voice.

She pull him to an embrace and pat him on the back.

"I'll be fine." She said assuredly.

She had to be strong for all of them. That is the least she can do at the moment to make it easier for everyone.


Hope sit on a small chair facing the glass window that show the street below and the houses. He play a sad and an emotional song with his guitar and sing along slowly.

He sat there playing for a long time until he was tired. He stare out of the window at the empty street below. There was no one on the street accept from the few cars parked along the pavement and the big waste bins that were in front of each gate.

He was feeling lonely just like the street. He had a feeling something not good is about to happen. He don't know what it is but he know it is not good.

He was worried about his mother. He knew she and his father had intentionally send him and his siblings to come visit their uncle and his family for some weeks. He feared that whatever he is feeling was toward her. And he hope not.

He knew things was going on with his mother and she was hiding something even before they left Australia but he don't want to be too forward and he thought it will be better if she tell them herself. He was waiting for her to open up to them but he had finally forgot about it when she never talk about it, thinking it might have been something unimportant since she never tell.

But all those things he felt and noticed then began to dawn on him - the loss of weight, loss of appetite, anger toward her father, her smiling even when she is suffering inwardly came back like a flood when he saw her laying motionless on the floor in the kitchen.

He always have this instinct since he was little and he had got to know if it was something good or bad. So he fear the worst might happen because of what he is feeling now. And his parents might want to hide it from him.

He don't want his mother to be hurt and he also don't want to lose her.

The door open waking him from his thoughts. He turn around and he saw his brother Dammy and their cousin Wilson, a boy the same age as Dammy.

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