EWEW 2 : I'm A Barbie Girl, In A Beer Boy World

Start from the beginning

Her reply was faster than mine.

You're a terrible liar. Bet you my new Beyoncé CD you're dying of boredom in your room. - G

I gritted my teeth. Close enough.

Not that it's any of your business, but I'm about to put on a movie and get cozy with my blanket. -A

And Pepsi. Let's not forget that. -G

Your point being? - A

I need a ride to the party. Layla's hitching one with another friend. My mom managed to piss me off - unsurprisingly - so this calls for booze. FYI, booze that I can get at a party for FREE. C'mon, Anna. I'm on my knees in front of you. Think of that appealing image. -G

I don't swing that way, babe. And my answer remains the same. No. -A

I thought for sure that Gabby was done. In the midst of shoving my phone back in the confinement of my cardigan, I paused when I received another text from her. This one had me stopping dead in my tracks, mouth dry with realization.

You need to live a little more. -G

It was just a sentence, but the words felt like they weighed a ton. I needed to live a little more? Where had that gotten me last time? Nowhere. If anything, I lived "a little more" and gotten myself in shit for it. I had a lifetime of guilt resting on my shoulders.

A harmless night of animated movies, coupled with loads of junk food was what I needed. Not a party where the idea of a good time consisted for getting shitfaced and having drunk sex. Shaking my head, I went to turn off my phone when Gabby texted me again.

Anna, it can't hurt. Just one party. You don't even have to drink. Be a good friend and give me company. It'll be great - greater than a night of popcorn and boring old chick flicks. Like old times. -G

She was guilt tripping me and she damn well knew it. For a whole year, Layla and Gabby constantly tried to haul my ass out of my room to do something "rebellious" or "fun". Asides from today, I couldn't even remember the last time I'd went out with them or came remotely close to enjoying myself.

Except for my little episode with Samuel Adams this afternoon.

The thought of the blond-haired-and-green-eyed giant brought me to an abrupt half. Would be he there, too? Was he going to keep up his facade and try to talk to me?

Suddenly, I looked around me and realized that, to some extent, I didn't want to be home alone tonight. Gabby was right. Staying cooped up at home wasn't going to do me any good. I'd be faced with conflicting thoughts - thoughts that left me in an turmoil.

I needed to get out. Needed a breath of fresh air, if I was being completely honest with myself.

When was the last time I'd gone to a party? It was just one night. Nothing could go wrong, right? Before I could stop myself, I thumbed a quick text to Gabby.

You win. I'm coming to get you in half an hour. Be ready. -A

As I took the staircase two steps at a time, I couldn't help but feel like I was pinning the last nail to my very own coffin.

* * *

I didn't need directions to Joshua Brown's huge mansion, a thought that surprised Gabriela. After all, I'd been there more than my fair share of time, seeing as I'd never once had an excuse to miss a party this big in the past. Funny how tables could turn.

Gabby clicked her tongue frustratedly as she gazed at herself in my rear view mirror. She combed her fingers through her side fringe a couple of times. "I'm having one of those bad hair days," - she grumbled - "where nothing seems to be working out right."

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