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We were at the Byers now and Will was lying on the couch with Jonathan and Nancy looking after him. Poor kid.

I stood beside the table that the kids were sitting at as Hopper yelled down the phone at some secretary for Sam Owens. He hung up angrily and I sighed.

"They didn't believe you?" Dustin asked.

Hopper just pinched his brow, "We'll see." He said, looking pained.

"We'll see?" Mike scoffed from his seat at the table. "We can't just sit here while those things run loose."

"We stay here and we wait for help." Hopper said with a malicious tone. He sighed before going into a room where Joyce was mourning over Bob.

"But," I sneered at Mike, "If you want to go out and try to put a leash on those things, you know where the door is." I instantly felt bad for saying it but Mike was being stupid. What did he expect us to do when those things had a million teeth and have eaten people? I turned and walked over to the kitchen sink and stared out the window, my back to everyone.

I stood there for a while before Steve came over and stood beside me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"That's a stupid fucking question." I mumbled, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I know." He sighed. After a moment of pause, he sighed again. "Back on the bus when I asked you about-"

"It was my dad." I whispered, cutting him off. It was now or never but saying it aloud didn't make me feel any better and feeling Steve freeze beside me made me feel even worse. It didn't feel like some big weight had been lifted off my shoulders or that all my problems had gone away just because I told him. I felt exactly the same, and somehow that hurt the most.

"Wh- Evie I-" For the First time ever, Steve Harrington was speechless. I would have found this hilarious given it was any other situation, but now I just stared blankly at the window, looking at our reflections. "How long?" He exhaled.

"Halloween. He choked me, not a stupid necklace. Then again when he got mad because I hadn't came home and was wearing-" I cut myself off, knowing Steve hated Billy.

"Because you were wearing what?"

I sighed, "Billy's t-shirt. My dad had the same one and he recognised it," I said with a sour smile, "He just exploded."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize like you're the one who hurt me." I frowned.

"I should have known Evie."

"How could you have known Steve? Billy only found out by accident because he gave me a lift home on Halloween, heard them shouting and put two and two together."

"So you and Billy are serious then?" He asked, moving to look at me. I nodded.

"Yeah." For a split second I saw something in Steve's eye that I couldn't put my finger on. I sighed and gave him a hug. "You'll always be my best friend okay?" I heard him mumble an 'okay' into my hair before he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm gonna help you fix this Evie, I promise." I looked at him and gave a small smile.

I could hear the kids talking about the demodog and pulled away, walking over to them with Steve in tow.

"But when it was just Dart, maybe." Dustin said.

"But now there's a whole army." Lucas added.

"Exactly." Dustin nodded.

"His army." Mike chimed in, causing Steve to look at him and frown.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [1]Where stories live. Discover now