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I inhaled a large draw of my cigarette as I sped down one of Hawkins' many roads en route to the high school. I was late and had the windows down in my 1977 Ford Mustang with my mix tape blasting AC/DC 'dirty deeds done dirt cheap' full volume.

I was annoyed this morning. I had overslept, missing my ride to school from Nancy and Steve.

Steve Harrington and I had been best friends since the 5th grade, even having a thing before he and Nancy got together. We had been through thick and thin, with our beautiful friendship blossoming from that one time he puked on me in Kindergarten at recess. I smelt like vomit all day and still haven't let it go, hence dubbing him with the nickname 'Puke face' or 'pukey' for short.

Overtaking someone using one foot for gas and break, I was able to tap along to the song with the other. God I loved music, along with smoking it really helped me to de-stress. Of course it was a gross habit and could kill me, plus my parents would kill me if the ever found out, but it really doesn't stop me.

Eyeying the clock and pushing the speedometer well over 80, I rolled into the parking lot with roughly ten minutes to spare. There was still groups of people standing around talking, most of them giving me dirty looks because my music was still blasting. In spite, I hopped out of my car, with the ignition running and sat on the hood.

I lit up another cigarette and continued tapping my foot to the music, which was now playing 'Bad boys runnin' wild' by Scorpions. A small group of juniors walked past looking me up and down, in response I just discreetly gave them the finger, causing them all to walk away with scowling faces. Give me a break, life's too short to judge people for their goddamned music.

I stubbed out my cigarette on the sole of my shoe and hopped off the hood. Just as I was about to lean in and turn off my ignition, a blue Chevron Camaro sped into the parking lot and nearly took the front bumper off my car.

It pulled up a few spaces away from me, with the back of the car closest to me. A small redheaded girl got out and skated towards the school and I waited for the driver to get out, I wanted to see what arrogant prick nearly wrecked my car. I saw a pair of boots hit the ground first. A guy with a mullet emerged from the car sporting a denim on denim look.

The end of 'Rock you like a hurricane." Continued to play as he shut his door. At least Goldielocks had a good taste in music.

I watched him remove a burnt out cigarette from his mouth and throw it on the ground before I turned around and leant through the passenger window to shut off my the mix tape. I flicked it off but of course, being the clumsy bitch I am, stood up too quickly, whacking my head off the doorframe.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I rubbed the back of my head.

Still facing my car I bent over to fix my jacket and hair in my reflection of the window. I could feel someone watching me from my left. I stood up and turned my head and saw Goldielocks leaning on the side of his car with a smirk on his face. I gave him a scowl before leaving the side of my car and walking towards school. What a fucker. I knew Goldielocks was walking behind me because I passed a group of girls and could hear them talking about his ass. "Look at it go

𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [1]Where stories live. Discover now