29. Still Jealous

Start from the beginning

"Nah." He shook his head and slowly started to walk again. 

As they walked down the line of basketball courts he heard an all too familiar voice.

"Ai'Pha, I'm open!" Beam shouted as Aroon danced around in front of his face trying to block him.

Forth's heart sped up a bit as he quickened his pace to stand outside the gate directly in front of the court Beam was playing on. He was playing a five on five game. His team, of course, had Kit and Phana on it, but there were two other guys too that Forth didn't recognize. The other team had five guys but the only one Forth knew was the guy that he almost punched in the face that day: Aroon.

Beam stood man to man with Aroon, trying to find a space so that Phana could pass him the ball. But Aroon was far too close and was following his every movement. Forth could feel all his tension rising as he slowly walked inside the gate so he could see better. Lek followed him without saying anything.

Beam made a quick move and was able to get around Aroon. Phana passed the ball and Beam quickly made a jumpshot and the ball went in. He high-fived Phana and Kit and the other members of his team.

"Nice. Good one, Beam." One of the guys said to him, giving him a quick pat on the back. They moved back to their positions to continue the game.

"Yea. Good one, Beamie." Aroon said teasingly, in a playfully sweet voice, giving Beam a slap on the butt. Beam swatted his hand away and ignored him.

Forth saw this and clenched his fists. He took a step forward and Lek caught his arm.

"You canNOT just barge into their game. Guys slap each other on the butt all the time, Forth."

Forth clenched his teeth but didn't say anything. It was true that guys slapped each other on the butt all the time during games but Lek didn't know about Aroon. A slap on the butt could have way more meaning for him.

They continued to play but Forth only had eyes for Beam and Aroon. Aroon was playing a whole lot closer than Forth felt was necessary and he would often say stuff to Beam or even whisper stuff to him and it was driving Forth insane.

"P'Mark!" Beam shouted at one of the other players on his team that Forth didn't recognize. He was around Phana's height and looked like he could have been Chinese. Mark quickly looked out at Beam who had broken free from Aroon again. Mark passed the ball and Beam caught it but Aroon was hot on his trail again, waving his arms like a madman, trying to block Beam's shot.

Beam had some pretty good footwork; light and quick. But as he maneuvered around Aroon, he misjudged his step and his foot caught hold of Aroon's ankle right as Aroon was reaching out to slap the ball out of Beam's hand. The ball flew from Beam's hand and Forth felt like everything turned to slow motion as he saw Beam falling toward the concrete.

But then there were hands. Aroon's hands, grabbing for him, but he wasn't strong enough to stop the fall. His feet were all tangled with Beam's. Beam hit the ground. Aroon landed on top of him. And Forth completely lost his mind.

Before Lek could even think about stopping Forth, Forth was already on the court throwing Aroon back on his feet and off of Beam. Aroon stumbled and fell into two players from his team who were on their way over to help them up. Forth crouched to his knees and looked at Beam who was sitting up slowly.

"Are you okay, Beam?" His voice was laced with panic.

"Forth?" Beam asked in confusion, still frowning from the impact of the fall.

Forth gently took hold of Beam's elbow at the same time Kit took the other and Phana hooked his hands under Beam's arms from behind. They all three got Beam to his feet without much effort.

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