Beam let his hands roam over Forth's body until he finally reached between his legs and gave a few slow strokes. Forth's reaction was instant. He broke away from the kiss as his breath caught in his throat briefly, before letting out something that sounded like a sigh mixed with a moan of his own.

Forth was large. Beam didn't have the smallest of hands but Forth's thickness was rather startling. Beam's nerves started to come back as he began to worry about this. If they continued this and went all the way, it would be painful. Beam had never had sex with a man before so he was not used to pain in that way.

But his thoughts did not occupy his mind for very long because Forth was moaning softly in his ear. Beam turned his head to see Forth's face. The look of lust on his face was enough to make Beam feel another streak of arousal that landed right back between his legs. Beam continued to caress him. Forth placed his hands on the wall behind Beam and pressed his lips together to stop the sounds from escaping his throat. Beam moved his face to kiss Forth's neck and whisper in his ear.

"Don't hold it in." He whispered. But Forth was determined not to make a peep. He started to kiss Beam again so that his mouth was occupied and he could stop the sounds, but Beam added more pressure and more speed. After a few moments, Forth broke off from the kiss again and raised his head to the ceiling and let out a sound so husky Beam was sure it came from the deepest parts of his throat. His breath quickened and Forth reached down to stop Beam's hand.

"Please..." He breathed. "Not yet."

Beam was also breathing hard but he nodded and removed his hand. Forth kissed him again a few more times before stopping to reach over and turn off the water. He looked back at Beam whose face was once again flushed red with heat only this heat was much different than being outside in the sun.

Forth opened the shower door and stepped out. He put his hand out for Beam to take and Beam followed after him. They dried off, all while stealing kisses from each other, and headed back out into Forth's room.

They both walked freely naked and without shame. Forth sat down on the bed and leaned back, admiring Beam's body. His skin was bright and clear all over without a single blemish. His stomach was flat but soft and his waist naturally tapered in so that his shoulders were wider than his waist. Beam stared back. Although they were the same age, Forth had the body of a man; large, developed, and strong. Beam still looked very much like he had in high school; slim and only the tiniest bit athletic.

"Come here." Forth called to him. Beam walked over and sat beside him. He was glad that he was sitting because with Forth staring at him like that, he was beginning to feel self conscious. Without hesitation, Forth brought his face close to Beam's.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked with his forehead resting on Beam's. Beam nodded silently and Forth proceeded to kiss him.

It didn't take long for the kiss to deepen and Forth's tongue was once again exploring Beam's mouth. He laid him back on the bed and Beam inched his way up towards the headboard. Forth followed, over top of him, never breaking the kiss. They became a tangle of arms, legs, and lips until Forth reached down between Beam's legs and returned what Beam had done for him in the shower. He started with a slow and gentle caress and gradually he added more pressure to his squeeze and more speed to his strokes. When Beam started to move his hips to match Forth's hand movements, he sped up.

Beam couldn't kiss Forth anymore. The feeling that was taking over his body because of what was happening down below was becoming too much to handle and he couldn't keep quiet. He bit his lip but sounds still escaped. Forth was nibbling at his ears and neck placing gentle kisses along his jaw as he rubbed him. Beam could feel a rushing sensation beginning to pulse throughout his body.

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