Chapter 10

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youtellmeimconfusing: Considering that its a new year and all, I would like to confess something to you

dontpitymysorrows: If you're confessing your love for me, then I already know

youtellmeimconfusing: I see someone is in a good mood today. that's nice to see on you :)

dontpitymysorrows: Well, I went on a little dinner date and had lots of fun. Without alcohol, if I may add.

youtellmeimconfusing: If only you could see the shock on my face

dontpitymysorrows: Is me not drinking that surprising?

youtellmeimconfusing: It's not the drinking. You went on a FUCKING DATE!

dontpitymysorrows: It wasn't an actual date. More like a friendly gathering...with two people.

youtellmeimconfusing: Does he know that it was a friendly gathering?

dontpitymysorrows: Yes, SHE does know that it was a friendly gathering

youtellmeimconfusing: I see...I forget sometimes that you aren't into women...oops?

dontpitymysorrows: Your sarcasm is not appreciated

dontpitymysorrows: Anyway, what are you going to tell me? Did you get us a puppy? Should I have worn something fancy for this meeting?

youtellmeimconfusing: Well, my roommates and I are going on a little vacation...we're leaving as we speak

dontpitymysorrows: That sounds great! You could use a little break from that shitty town of yours. Where are you going?

youtellmeimconfusing: Tell me about it. We booked the plane tickets and the hotels rooms already. Got a nice view of the beach and easy access to nice restaurants.

dontpitymysorrows: That's amazing. Where are you going?

youtellmeimconfusing: I know its amazing! I've been saving forever. I stopped paying my Netflix subscription to get these tickets.

dontpitymysorrows: Are you purposely ignoring me? Or are you just not reading what I'm asking?

youtellmeimconfusing: I was ignoring you. 

dontpitymysorrows: Why?

youtellmeimconfusing: Because you'll be mad at me.

dontpitymysorrows: Why would I be mad at you going on vacation?

dontpitymysorrows: you better not had Y/N

dontpitymysorrows: you better be fucking joking

youtellmeimconfusing: You told me you were going home for Christmas week and I just thought it would be nice to see you...considering this budding friendship and all

dontpitymysorrows: fuck

dontpitymysorrows: did you not think about checking in with me first? You don't even know what I look like?? You've never even heard me speak. I could be a grown man that's into organ harvesting. 

youtellmeimconfusing: I've thought that through, that's why I brought friends. I trust you though. I would really like to see you. I would also like to see all those pictures you take in person :)

dontpitymysorrows: How does your girlfriend feel about this?

youtellmeimconfusing: We're still on break. She went to see her family. We haven't talked.

dontpitymysorrows: I really don't know about this

dontpitymysorrows: I'm in a tough spot right now, with my family and friends around. My best friend is keeping a close eye on me right it's hard to getaway.

youtellmeimconfusing: Does nobody know I exist in your world.

dontpitymysorrows: It's not that I don't want to tell anyone about you. I just work so much that it slips my mind. So much happens in so little time.

youtellmeimconfusing: I'm not offended. Just asking. I'm still going to Miami though. If you change your mind you know how to reach me :) It's fine if we don't meet. Just knowing that I'm a little closer to you makes me a little excited. 

dontpitymysorrows: That's pretty gay if you ask me

youtellmeimconfusing: Seriously, consider it. I'd love to talk in person. No judgement if you decline but just seriously consider it. Please?

dontpitymysorrows: I'll consider it Y/n. Don't worry about it.

youtellmeimconfusing: I'll be there for a week and a half so take your time. We can text in the meantime. You can tell me about all your favorite spots. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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