Chapter 7

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*Lauren's POV*

dontpitymysorrows:heyheyhey cool it with the nicknames that's very mean :(

youtellmeimconfusing: haven't you heard?

dontpitymysorrows: heard what?

youtellmeimconfusing: sad faces are for pussies

dontpitymysorrows: kiss my ass

youtellmeimconfusing: kinky ;) I like it

dontpitymysorrows: you're such an asshole

youtellmeimconfusing: mmmm ass delicious

dontpitymysorrows: you're disgusting , how do you sleep at night

youtellmeimconfusing: like a fucking baby :))))))))

dontpitymysorrows: jesus...why are we friends?

youtellmeimconfusing: I know I'm an angel but I'm not Jesus baby ;)

dontpitymysorrows: for fucks sakes Y/N...

youtellmeimconfusing: say it louder I don't think the neighbors heard

dontpitymysorrows: that's enough internet for today...goodnight Y/N

youtellmeimconfusing: noooooo LERN

dontpitymysorrows: it's not lern

dontpitymysorrows: it's daddy ;)

youtellmeimconfusing: oHmY

dontpitymysorrows: I can't hear you baby

youtellmeimconfusing: I gotta go...floss my tv...

dontpitymysorrows: have fun ;)))

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