Chapter 4

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youtellmeimconfusing:Where are you now?


dontpitymysorrows:I won't have a lot of freetime today, sorry

youtellmeimconfusing:It's cool, you have a job to do I understand

youtellmeimconfusing:But like I said, you better take some pictures for me

dontpitymysorrows: don't worry...they'll be especially for you. I better be getting paid for this

youtellmeimconfusing:nahhh you good fam

"Lauren, come on we have to get to makeup."

"Just one minute Alls."I plead

"No, now.""Or we'll mess up the whole schedule."she says giving me a threatening look.

I look at my phone then at Ally...then back at my phone...and I hear it ding.


I sigh throwing my phone onto the bus's couch and follow her out the door.

I knew if I opened that message I wouldn't want to leave. I left it on the bus because I know it'll distract me for the most part.

Sitting in the makeup chair I wait for whoever was going to prep me, but I see Dinah walks through the door and sits in the free spot next to me.

"Everyone's a little backed up today, traffics being a bitch so the makeup team is gonna be a little late."she lefts me know as I nod understanding.

"So how have you been...?"she asks as I try not to look at her through the mirror.

"Fine."I mumble.

"Lauren...""You know it's okay to not be okay right?""I don't understand what you're going through, I don't think I ever will...but just know I'm here for you.""No matter what."

I feel my eyes start to gloss over."Not now...please."I say hearing my voice crack over me holding back the tears.

"Okay..sorry.""But I would like to talk later.""Or just hangout if that's cool."

"Yeah...just peachy."

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