Chapter Thirty-Nine: You're Safe

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Running water whispered behind the bathroom door as the shower ran and I stood in the hall patiently, guarding the door diligently even though Ashlyn had insisted I could wait downstairs in the front room or with my pack. Like I was going to leave her alone for even a moment after getting her back from those- those lowlife maggots.

Her family was so grateful, offering all kinds of rewards and praises which my father kindly yet firmly declined, insisting it was enough she was home and safe. My family agreed; they all loved her as their own family, as she was. It had taken a moment for her to break away from her family, everyone fretting and asking and asking what had happened, I could see it start to wear on her. She'd repeated the same lie like a mantra: "I got lost, I fell and got hurt." I don't know how she could lie through her teeth after what she'd just went through; not even I knew the full truth and I wasn't going to push her, she was far too exhausted and weary to relive it all. I hoped she'd feel okay enough to tell me eventually, but for now,she needed a long shower and clean clothes and rest.

The bathroom door clicked open and my head snapped up, my feet bringing me to the doorway eagerly and Ashlyn startled violently, fleeing back a couple of steps into the bathroom with bared teeth like a cornered dog.

"Hey, hey, it's me, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I apologized in a gentle voice and her shoulders slowly slumped, letting the tension go. She clutched her bloody and torn clothes to her chest as she slowly reapproached, leaning into my chest as I held my arms open invitingly.

"Sorry, it just feels like someone's... like someone's waiting right around the corner for me and- and I know im in my own house and that it's so stupid but I'm just..." she shook her head slowly and I squeezed her gently as I stroked her damp hair.

"It's not, it's not stupid. You've been through a lot, you're paranoid, it's normal. But it's okay baby, I'm right here, your family is here, your pack is here, you're completely safe, I've got you," I murmured soothingly as we swayed together in the middle of the hall. Her shoulders rose in a deep sigh as her body leaned into mine, pressing into me as if she were trying to hide.

"... My clothes are completely wrecked," she muttered after a long moment of silence and we both laughed and I stepped back to look down at the clothing in her arms.

"Yeah, I didn't think blood would come out that easily. It's fine, you've got other stuff to wear," I nodded at the clothes currently draping her frame for example. They were the clothes I'd given her earlier, but either way, she was wearing them and they worked.

"Yeah, I know," she chuckled. "I'll have to throw them away later..."

"You want to go downstairs? We can throw them away now?" I offered and she shook her head.

"No... I just want to go to my room. I love my family, but it's just... too much right now, I just want to be with you." She looked up at me with a small smile and hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, I get it, that's okay," I nodded and kissed her head before turning down the hall towards her room, arm around her waist.

"Have you been staying in my room?" She asked as the door swung open, her eyes going to my bag and nose lifting slightly, no doubtedly smelling me.

"Uh, yeah, the last couple nights. I just... missed you," I laughed awkwardly. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, it's okay," she shook her head, dropping her destroyed clothes by the door before crawling onto her bed and settling down carefully, flinching slightly. She looked at me expectantly and I nudged the door till it was cracked before climbing onto her bed beside her, resting back with my head on her pillows and lifted my arm. I smiled as she instantly shifted over to rest her head on my shoulder and her arm on my chest, sighing softly and smiling slightly as I combed my fingers through her hair.

Alpha's Son And The Vampire (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें