Chapter Twenty-Nine: Time Alone

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Breakfast was loud, hectic and crowded, but still fantastic. Nyma was wrestling with Henry to get him to use a fork while Rowan was wiping up the mess he'd already created. Jet (who is literally a five year old in an adults body) was throwing pieces of scrambled egg back and forth with Anna. Gasten was busy scolding his child along with Kaltain but was no better for as soon as Phillip began throwing chunks of toast at his face, he turned on him and a tickling fight ensued. Dad was watching and trying not to laugh unlike Blake who was shaking with laughter and being smacked by his mate.

And Ashlyn? She was giggling and hiding her smile behind a hand.

"You and your son are children I tell you, children!" Kaltain exclaimed and Blake looked at Jet, both sharing a look of childish glee.

"Is this how it always is when your family stays?" Ashlyn whispered in my ear.

"Oh no. It gets worse; we're still missing an aunt, uncle, and two cousins," I whispered back in amusement. Ashlyn's laughter was light and airy against my ear as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I wish you were coming with me... I don't want to deal with my family alone," she sighed and I rubbed circles on her palm with my thumb.

"I do too, but sadly we can't be together all the time. Not yet," I told her honestly. She nodded and pressed her nose into my neck, sighing forlornly. "Come on, let's go upstairs and get dressed then go out for a bit before your parents come," I offered and she lifted her head to leave the table.

"Thank you for breakfast, it was great!" Ashlyn smiled though her food had gone untouched and her plate remained full. We ditched the family breakfast as soon as Dad excused us and rushed upstairs, Ashlyn fleeing to the bathroom for her clothes and I grabbed a pair of jeans from my dresser and a t-shirt from the closet.

When the simple light gray shirt was half way down my torso, I felt hesitant hands on my stomach and paused, glancing back at the head of orange hair and smiled at Ashlyn, her face pressed into my back.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Just... Feeling you- not like the weird way though! I'm just..."


"God that sounds perverted..."

I turned and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, chin atop her head.

"I know what you mean, and there's nothing wrong with it."

I remained still as her hands tentatively traveled up my back, finger tips brushing over spine, shoulder blade, then hooked over my shoulders. It was an admiring, curious touch, full of hesitance and affection. I smiled into her hair and stood there for a moment, patiently holding her.

"... You smell good."

I laughed out loud and she dug her nails into my skin.

"Shuddup!" She grumbled and I smiled.

"I'm not laughing at you Love," I promised and stepped back to pull my shirt all the way down as she perched on the mattress.

"Hey, don't you have school today?" She asked and I paused.

"Yes, but I don't think I'll go... I'll text Azar or Kieran and ask them to grab us the homework and notes," I smiled and kissed her head before going to the bathroom and trying to tame my mop of black hair.

"And your dad's okay with you just not going?" she laughed as she sat on the counter by the sink.

"Well, family is over and you're over so..." I smiled nonchalantly. Ashlyn nodded slowly and hummed slightly.
"Let's go," I smiled and held my hand out, leading her downstairs and waved as we passed the dining room.

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