Chapter Thirty: Crazy Family

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Mom's red minivan sat idle and abandoned in the driveway as we approached. I leaned my shoulder heavily on Kyle's, making my detest of leaving known.

"I know, but you'll be back before you know it and we'll have the rest of spring break to ourselves," he promised and kissed my head, nuzzling me with his nose affectionately. God I was going to miss that. Kyle looked up as laughter erupted from inside and we glanced at each other before going inside. The slamming of the front door announced our return and a high pitched squeal rang out as we came into the main room where Kyle's relatives and my parents were sat.

"Ashlyn!" Henry yelled and squirmed out of his mother's lap, running over and throwing himself into my arms. I laughed and lifted him up, spinning the giggling boy before resting him on my hip.

"Hey mom, hey dad," I waved. Kyle chuckled and instead of going to sit, he wrapped his arm around my waist. His nose nuzzled against my neck then he rested his head against mine. Mom started cooing and I blushed in embarrassment as Dad raised an eyebrow in mock scrutiny.

"Aunt Nyma!" Kyle squawked indignantly as she took a picture.

"Oh my- please send that to me," my mother fawned.


"I want it too!"

"Aunt Kaltain!"

I hid my face in Kyle's neck as Morgan laughed with his brothers. Anna and Jet cackled together, elbowing each other in the ribs.

"You're laughing now, just wait till you get a boy or girlfriend; your mother will be all over that," Blake chuckled at his son, yelping as his mate smacked him upside the head.

"If he can get someone to like him, yeah," Anna muttered and her fathers scowled at her disapprovingly.

"Don't worry, Jet. If my brother Dorian, who can be quite the jackass, can get a husband, you have more than a chance," my dad laughed and Jet smiled a tad shyly.

"Yeah, Anna, watch me get a boyfriend before you," Jet said sticking his tongue out at her. Anna snorted despite Gasten's warning look.

"Have you ever even had one?" She said putting a hand on her cocked hip. Kyle chuckled and took a seat in an empty chair, holding my hips as I plopped down on his lap.

"Well, no, but I've had a girlfriend!" Jet scowled. Their bickering continued despite the adults' exasperated expressions.

"Oh my- Coen, we need to leave," Mom said patting Dad's forearm then stood. "Thank you for having Ashlyn," she smiled.

"It was our pleasure," Morgan said bowing his head politely.

"It was great meeting you," Kaltain smiled at my parents then came over and hugged me tight. I got a goodbye hug from everyone and when came Kyle's turn, a long kiss.

"Get a room!" Jet called through cupped hands. A smile tugged at my lips as I rested my forehead on Kyle's shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you so much..." Kyle mumbled.

"I know, but we can call and face time as much as you want," I grinned up at him.

"Call me if anything happens and I'll come up there and haul someone's ass through the mud," he growled seriously.

"Same goes for you furball," I said snapping my teeth playfully and he snorted.

"Come on Ashlyn! Grandma Amberly is expecting us there at a certain time and at this rate we're going to be late," mom called. I wrapped my arms around Kyle and he pressed his lips to my head. Everyone gave an empathetic smile as Kyle and I parted with miserable expressions and I forced myself to walk out to the car, hating how the further I got the more pressure was added to my chest; anxiety set in place by a separation I couldn't stop. When I looked out my window, Kyle was standing on the porch with his shoulder leaning against the wall and Jet and Anna were waving with large grins plastered on their faces. Kyle's smile was tamed and his ocean blue eyes cloudy. My heart started to hammer and I had to ignore the voice screaming stop in my head. My hand lifted weakly and I waved, nearly whining when his lips pulled into a more genuine smile and he waved back. God I didn't want to go.

Alpha's Son And The Vampire (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें