Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Mate's Rage

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The sun was barely up when I got up, wolf restless and angry beneath my skin. My mate was so close yet so far, I couldn't wait another minute to find her. I dug through my clothes and pulled on a pair of baggy sweats and an old t-shirt, looking up as Ashlyn's door opened and Jeffrey stuck his head in.

"Your Dad is downstairs, we're just waiting for the rest of your pack and then we're heading out," he informed me and I nodded as I pulled my shirt down.

"What about Ashlyn's family?" I asked, wondering what they'd think about us all leaving so early.

"Morgan and my Dad talked to them last night, they know we're leaving early. Blake said to remember to bring an extra change of clothes, just in case," Jeffrey told me.

"Alright, thanks. I'll be down in a minute." Jeffrey nodded and closed the door softly and I listened to his footsteps receded before grabbing two changes of clothes, knowing Ashlyn would like a clean pair of clothes that smelt of her mate. With that I slipped out of her room and walked downstairs, bare feet padding over the wood silently. My family stood gathered in the front room with those of my pack we brought along, all looking somber and standing in loose clothing. My father looked at me, giving me a reassuring nod before turning to the door and leading us outside to where the cars sat idle.

"We're all here to achieve the same thing; bring Ashlyn home. We'll have to be careful and smart about this—we have to rely on each other and work together. We know nothing about this pack that took her, nothing about how they work or their intentions. So I ask you all to trust me and follow my lead so we can all come home safe," my father beseeched. My pack bowed their heads instantly, trusting their Alpha with their life. My family looked at me and nodded as they bowed their heads. The message was clear; we are here for you and your mate. I was quick to follow.

"Alright... We will take multiple cars and drive to the edge of Salmon-Challis National Forest where Kyle and his group found the scents of those who took Ashlyn. We will track them down together so please stay close," my father called and with that we all split off, climbing into cars in groups and pulling out of the lot one by one. "Kyle, before anything goes down, let me handle it. If push comes to shove though, do what must be done," my father said looking me in the eye through the rearview mirror as Kaltain drove through the winding roads, leading everyone else to where Ashlyn's blood and the scents of those who spilled it lingered.

"Yes, Alpha."

My foot bounced as I sat forward impatiently, sharp incisors worrying my lip as I watched the trees pass and my stomach churned. I prayed she was okay, I prayed she knew I was coming for her, I prayed she would hang on just another minute for me. The car pulled off onto the shoulder and I was out in an instant, leaving Kaltain to maneuver the car slightly into the foliage to make room for the others to park.

"Kyle, slow down, we have to stick together remember?" Jet asked as he walked over to me, stripping as I did and throwing his clothes in the back.

"I know, but I'm tired of waiting, I want my mate back," I rumbled and he nodded, giving me a resolute grin.

"And your pack is here to help you, so let us help you," Jet suggested. I smiled slightly and nodded, looking to my father for permission before shifting, shaking out my coat as I rumbled lowly. My father and Kaltain spoke for a moment in a series of yaps and barks before they trotted into the trees, followed diligently by my pack members. I jogged ahead to walk at my father's side, head held high and ears pricked as I looked around the woods. Soon Kaltain stopped and lowered her head to sniff the ground, nodding her head.

'Everyone, scent the ground and track them down. Don't act until I give the okay. Understood?' My father rumbled, voice deep and rough. We barked in affirmation and dropped our noses to the ground. I growled low as I found their scent, fainter now but impossible to miss. I barked loudly and took off into the woods at a brisk trot, nose to the ground as I weaved through the underbrush. There was barking and huffs behind me before I saw my pack and family all around me, following through the trees as sleek figures. They were following my lead. Once the scent hit my nose full force, I was running; my patience was gone, I was going to get her back.

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