Chapter Fourteen: Now He Knows

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I let out a breath as Kyle and I jogged into sixth period science just as the bell rang. The teacher gave us a suspicious look and I bit my lip, glancing back at Kyle as we walked further into the room.

"Ah, Mr. Foreman and Ms. Coleman, so nice of you to join us. Might I ask why you're barely making it to class?" Mrs. Johnson asked, her voice laced with annoyance. I heard snickers from the rest of the class.

"It's Kyle's fault! He just had to stop at the vending machine for a snack!" I said accusingly as I glared at him, winking to soften my angry tone. He looked at the teacher, his jaw working as he hurried to swallow enough of his granola bar to speak.

"Sohry Mrsh. Joshson," he apologized through his full mouth. I snorted as I covered my mouth, shoulders shaking.

"And what is my rule about food in the classroom?" She asked as she put her hands on her hips, giving Kyle a pointed look. Kyle stared at her for a second before glancing at the granola bar in his hand and back to her. The entire class erupted into laughter as Kyle shoved the rest into his mouth, cheeks full like a squirrels as he chewed. I was laughing as I patted his shoulder then sat at my seat, Kyle moving to sit at his. Mrs. Johnson shook her head, pursing her lips as she walked to the front of the class.

"Alright class, back to what I was explaining before I was interrupted. Today you'll be looking at your blood samples under microscopes. I want you to be careful while handling the microscopes, we don't need any broken slides. I'll be demonstrating how to do so," she announced.

I sucked in my breath. Crap, I'd forgotten we were doing this today! I had to leave, but I didn't know how to get out of all period, and my grade would drop if I didn't do this lab... All I could do was sit with my shoulders tensed, frozen as I watched her pick up a needle and prick her finger.

As soon as the scent hit my nose, I nearly moaned at the smell of human blood. I covered my mouth and nose, watching as she dabbed the blood on a slide. Her explanation turned to background noise as I looked at the wall, gums aching as my incisors tried to lengthen.

"Alright, partner up!" She called. I stood up on unsteady legs as I scanned the room. I just had to fight it. I could do this! I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, nearly dropping the F-bomb when I saw those grayish-blue eyes that I loved so much. When I caught whiff of Kyle's scent I dropped my eyes quickly, my heart speeding up.

"Come on, let's get the lab done," he said, gently leading me over to a microscope. I watched nervously as he set up the microscope, glancing up when the metallic scent increased, my stomach clenching with nerves as I watched everyone prick their fingers.

"K-Kyle..." I whispered, biting down on my bottom lip hard, watching wide eyed as he picked up a needle.

"Hm?" He asked as he pricked his finger. I felt my incisors grow to their full length and I couldn't take it. I turned and bolted out of the room, my hand pressed to my firmly closed mouth as I paced the hall. Surely enough, seconds later Kyle was in front of me, gaze concerned and slightly panicked.

"Ashlyn, what's wrong?!" He asked. I kept my head low, tears welling against my will. He stepped closer and lifted my chin, eyes widening at my watery eyes. He gently grasped the wrist of the hand I had against my lips and pulled gently. I shook my head and stepped back, trying to pull away.

"Kyle, no... P-please..." I pleaded in a shakey whisper as I dropped my head. His touch was gentle but firm on my wrist.

"Ashlyn, look at me." He said in a quiet but demanding voice. I had no choice but to obey. I looked up at him, trembling as he lowered my hand to my side. I flinched as he lifted my upper lip, exposing my sharpened incisors. His gaze became confused then it seemed to click and his eyes filled with surprise. Before I could stop myself I started crying and rambling.

"K-Kyle, I'm so-sorry! You weren't su-supposed to find out, I-I wasn't going to tell you if I didn't have to! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Ple-please, I understand if you find me re-repulsive, but d-don't tell my parents! They-they have no idea, so they d-don't have to find out! Please, they're all I have! I-I don't want to loose them b-because I'm a mon-" I was cut off as Kyle cupped my face with his hand, brushing my hair out of my face with his other.

"Ashlyn, I would never. I could never find you repulsive nor would I ever tell someone unless you wanted them to know. You don't need to cry, I'm not going to do anything. I don't care what you are, you're still Ashlyn... You're still my Ashlyn..." He whispered gently, eyes soft and excepting as ever. I sniffed as I furiously rubbed my eyes.

"B-but what if I hurt you...?" I asked in a hoarse whisper. He smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"Then I would forgive you. Just as I will time and time again if that's what it comes to," he assured. I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around his waist and hiding my face in his chest. He tensed in surprise then relaxed and rubbed my back.

"We should leave... I have much to tell you Ashlyn..."

Alright guys! I hope you liked this chapter, and I wanted to let you know... I already have ideas for a book after this one. Not saying this book is ending anytime soon, just saying I have a really good idea for a werewolf book. Also, today was my first day back to school. I'm officially an eighth grader now! So that means updates might be... I dunno, but I'll continue to work on this story. I'll see ya guys next time!

WolfGirl out~! ✌🐺

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