Chapter Nineteen: Hunting Together

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I stripped off my jacket and rolled my shoulders as I breathed in the cool air. The sun was starting to sink further below the horizon, bathing the forest in a hazy glow.

"It'll be dark in just a few more minutes" I told Ashlyn, watching her pull off her coat and breath in the fresh air.

"Alright..." She nodded and set her coat with mine as she looked around. I could see the anxiety and hunger in her eyes as she scanned the woods, I could hear the pounding of her heart. Whatever had made her scared of the night must have been something bad if it was having such an affect on her.

"Hey, you're safe" I promised quietly as I took her hand in mine. Ashlyn glanced up at me and smiled slightly and I smiled back.

"I know, I'm with you" she teased. I smiled and kissed her head.

"You'll always be safe with me" I whispered. Ashlyn blushed and hid her face in my shoulder, whining in embarrassment. I chuckled and looked up at the trees.

"Come on, it's time to eat" I grinned and lead her forward. I decided to not change forms for this hunting trip since I'm trying to help Ashlyn be less scared, not more so. Ashlyn grabbed my hand when there was a snap of a twig, her eyes darting around the dark woods.

"Shh, it's alright." I whispered. She looked at me nervously and I smiled reassuringly.

"Close your eyes..." I whispered in her ear, watching as she slowly followed my instructions. "Now let your senses take over. Take a deep breath... What do you smell?" I asked. Ashlyn frowned and opened one eye to look over at me.

"Deer- I know how to hunt" she said impatiently. I chuckled and stood behind her, putting my hands over her eyes.

"You're missing the point. Just listen" I laughed. Ashlyn huffed and relaxed. I listened and smiled as her breathing slowed and her muscles loosened.

"What do you feel?" I asked. Ashlyn bit her lip and tilted her head.

"Cold...?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, that's too generalized. Pay attention to the details." I insisted.

"You sound like our English teacher..." she grumbled but complied. "I feel... The breeze coming from the... Right. It's cold, but not freezing." I nodded and chuckled.

"Yeah... And you hear...?" I asked. Ashlyn grumbled and tilted her head.

"I hear... Crickets and an owl. And there's a deer... That way" she said turning her head towards the left.

"That's correct. Now what do you see?" I asked quietly as I pulled my hands away from her eyes. Ashlyn blinked and looked around the woods.

"I see dark-" I shook my head and interrupted her.

"I didn't ask lighting. What do you see?" I whispered.

"Fine Mr. Grouchy. I see trees. A lot of trees and... Grass and bushes, berries..." she mumbled.

"Just like in the day. The night is just another time of day with different lighting" I smiled. "Remember, out here you are the predator Ashlyn." I whispered. "Just like during the day time. Just like always."

Ashlyn looked up at me curiously, smiling slightly. "Thanks" she murmured. "I feel... Better" she laughed slightly. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Of course. Now, let's go" I smirked and took off running. Ashlyn yelled and ran after me, catching me by surprise as she easily kept up with my pace.

"You underestimate Vampire speed" Ashlyn teased and leapt over a fallen tree easily. I smirked and bound over the tree, glancing over at Ashlyn. My heart fluttered as I watched the wind blow through her hair and the way her body moved.

"This way" Ashlyn whispered and changed direction. I smiled and skidded in the dirt before twisting around and bolting after her. My strides lengthened and my muscles tensed as my wolf pushed to be free, to change my body into that of an animal. I was tempted to let it, to take on my other form; but I had to restrain. Just for now.

I pulled my wolf back and raced to catch up with Ashlyn, running along side her as we closed in on the deer. Before the doe had time to even turn her head, Ashlyn was upon her. I skidded to a stop and hung back a few feet, watching as Ashlyn snapped the Doe's neck and sank her teeth in hungrily. I stayed silent, not wanting to disturb her meal in case of accidentally making her uncomfortable.

"Feel better?" I asked as Ashlyn sat back, sighing contently. She nodded slowly and looked up at me, my breath catching in my throat. Her eyes were a deep burning red and blood was smeared on her bottom lip. She looked away quickly, shrinking self-consciously as she squirmed uncomfortably. I walked over and slowly crouched down in front of her, lifting her chin gently. Ashlyn's eyes darted around nervously, looking anywhere but me.

"Ashlyn... Look at me" I whispered, catching her attention quickly. She slowly looked up at me and I smiled, staring into her anxious glowing eyes evenly.

"Don't be ashamed of who you are. Because I love and accept every single part of what makes you Ashlyn..." I murmured and tucked her hair behind her ear, smiling as she relaxed against my touch and leaned into it.

"I'm just... Not as comfortable with it as you are" she sighed and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close as she rested her head against my shoulder.

"I know Love..." I mumbled, running my fingers through her hair. "But you will get to that point. You're a part of my pack now, and our pack is our family; even if they're not a huge fan of you yet" I teased and Ashlyn laughed.

"I know..." She whispered and sat back, her eyes back to their just as beautiful lapis color. I smiled and brushed my thumb over her lips, wiping away the smudge of blood. My breath caught as I stared into her eyes and without even thinking leaned forward and kissed her, sitting back and pulling Ashlyn onto my lap as she kissed me just as needfully.

I was so happy she was mine.

Heey guys, I wanted to tell you guys about the new story I've started! It's called More Then A Reflection. Don't worry though, I'm not stopping this story or anything, I'll just be working on both now! I hope you'll check it out and hopefully you will like it 😊 that's all for now,

Wolf Girl out~! ✌🐺

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