Alas, maiors were wise enough to know that standing up to the royals would bring too many decades of suffering.

We were already dealing with a war.

"We'll sleep here tonight," Herc continued. "Don't forget we haven't succeeded yet. We have the insigne, but we need to get King Rasmus off our tails. Understood?"

Everyone murmured in agreement, and the cave fell silent. The last few red hues of the vermiculo disappeared into the horizon. The darkness crept in and no one dared utter a word.

I settled into the far right wall, fighting against the chilly air that seemed to only get colder as the minutes piled up. I shivered in my corner, trying to discern something in front of me. I heard the occasional shuffle of one of the Bleeders or someone whispering a tiny "sorry" every once in a while, but that was it.

The only light available was the dim light from the moon and stars above us. But deeper into the cave, only darkness reigned.

My bones felt like ice. Oh, how I hated the cold. It numbed my body starting with my nose. The rest of my limbs shivered as if I was on some sort of hyperactive drug. All I yearned for was warmth, heat. The heat I held inside...


The last thing I needed was for the Bleeders to question why I was glowing, and why the temperature was getting warmer. That would be a nightmare.

"Alright, well, I need to deal with...private business." Herc spoke up, jarring my thoughts. Some chuckled at his comment lazily. I remained silent. The day's events wore me down. "Ella?" I gave a small hum to let him know I was listening. "Seeing as you have such a small bladder, do you want to come with?"

Everyone snickered again.

I didn't have fight left in me to give a proper answer back. "Sure," I said. I stood up using the cave wall to help my balance. "I can't see anything."

"Stick your hand out," he ordered. I did, and within seconds his rough hands encircled my arms and pulled me to him. I wasn't pressed against him like I was with Adonis, but I was definitely close. I could tell by the sound of his soft breaths. "Let's go before you urinate all over us. Anyone else?"

"Me," Kora said. Herc reached back and found her extended arm.

Once we were outside the cave, the moon casted a beautiful glow on top of us. I looked up at it, wondering how it could handle staring down at such idiots every night.

Herc guided us down the mountain. Kora was agile as she moved downhill behind Herc. I, on the other hand, grimaced at not being able to see the ground properly. The light of the moon wasn't enough to aid me. I feared I'd step on poison oak; or worse, do my business on poison oak. The guard's fate would be my own too.

"I'm going a little further down," Herc started, "but feel free to go anywhere around here."

Kora was quick to disappear from my sight, dashing through bushes away from my view. I stayed there unable to find a decent place to squat down and call Philip. I looked to the right and started going off the normal path. Trees started lining up further down, so I made my way towards them.

My hands started sweating as the dark trees loomed before me. Without looking back, I plunged into the forest wanting nothing more than to be alone. The last thing I needed was another Bleeder finding out about my real identity. It was enough to have Marisole know I was queen, but if anyone else found out, I knew I was dead meat.

Once I delved deeper into the madness of trees, I rested my back against a trunk. I looked back to make sure I was alone, and took out my brume projector from my bag.

When I flicked my wrist, Philip appeared in front of me. His eyes were wide as he seemed to shut a door. I smiled knowing we were in private.

"My Queen," he whispered, as if the words were hard to utter. "What is going on?"

"King Rasmus."


"King Rasmus is behind everything. The inimical report, the raid, Theodora's murder, the war. He wants the Inlustris to himself, Philip."

His hologram paled as he struggled to form words. I would've rolled my eyes, but he knew King Rasmus longer than me. He was a victim of his manipulation tactics, and revealing how much of a heinous bastard he was must be a shocker to poor Philip. I didn't blame him for a second.

"He organized everything?" Philip asked.

"Everything," I whispered. "I just want to know what lie he conjured up to convince the other kingdoms to fight beside him. Probably spoon-fed them promises of greater power." I grumbled underneath my breath remembering how he promised Prince Mahli a better position now that he wasn't going to be king of Potentia Flamber.

"What are we going to do, Your Majesty? Everyone is terrified of your foolish decision to use the Inlustris for execution."

"I wish I had an answer, Philip. A lot has happened in the last few hours." I looked down at the moist dirt and sighed. My life had taken a sharp turn. I was up in the mountains in Fortis Crystallum hiding from King Rasmus' men for intruding into his palace.

"My Queen, are you still at Solennes Jubar?"

I didn't know how to respond. He'd know immediately I was involved with the break in at King Rasmus' palace if I told him I was at Fortis Crystallum, and would send out my royal men to pick me up before I did anything else.

"Yes," I breathed out.

"My Queen..." His voice was stern.

"Philip, we have a war on our hands. King Rasmus wants the Flambers to take his side and kick me out of my throne. We can't let him win. He's going to damage my image to take the Inlustris."

"Yes, and he's doing a mighty job as we speak." Philip scratched his forehead. "If we send out an official statement saying the opposite of what King Rasmus announced, we'll be publicly announcing war. The people from the land will riot."

"I know. It's going to cause chaos, but the news of the raid must have gotten out by now, everyone should know that we're at the brink of war anyway." I tried to convince him.

"Yes, but we've been tiptoeing around the situation. King Rasmus is making it look like we're all united. This would declare war officially. There are too many risks."

Leaves crunched from afar and I turned at the sound. I had taken too long speaking with Philip, I forgot I was out with Herc and Kora.

"Ella?" I heard a distant call.

Oh no...

Philip was about to say something, but I shook my head, stopping him.

"Declare it."

Without a proper goodbye, I shut off my brume projector with a flick of my wrist.

If King Rasmus wanted a war, I'll give him a war. No one will touch the Inlustris under my reign but me.

The Traitor of InlustrisWhere stories live. Discover now