211: Beach Tribe.

Start from the beginning

    "He is the Messenger of the Beast God, you respect him." Zhu Zhanzheng said, he has no good feelings for the one-eyed wolf, but he wants to go back, and he has to work with the  one-eyed wolf, so he's a little bit patience with the one-eyed wolf. 

    "The Messenger of the Beast God? Do you still believe this?" The one-eyed wolf sneered aloud: "I think he is a liar!" 

    Zhou Ji: "..." 

  Zhou Ji is a little away from the one-eyed wolf and others, but he can hear all the words of one-eyed wolf and other, thanks to his spiritual power.

    The one-eyed wolf said bad things in his back, and he naturally heard it clearly. 

    But he didn't care. 

    He already knows something about this one-eyed wolf. 

    Probably because she was betrayed, the one-eyed wolf has a lot of opinions on men, and there is a bit of cynicism to see what is not pleasing to the eye. In short, it is not very likeable.

    Of course, he doesn't hate this person either - he is very emotional in all aspects. 

      Zhou Ji made two wooden rafts with wooden sticks for reference. 

  "Thank you." Zhu Zhanzheng was studying the rafts and he also start exercising. He also grabs a lot of prey and comes back and eats. 

     Zhou Ji knows that, he is doing this to become stronger. 

    But Zhu Zhanzheng is an Intermediate Beast Warrior. It is not easy to become a High-level Beast Warrior. Even if he teaches Xiong Ye's cultivation method to Zhu Zhanzheng, without a few years of accumulation, Zhu Zhanzheng can't be upgraded. 

         Zhou Ji simply left it alone. 

    Their team continued to move forward, and Zhou Ji learned that the Beach Tribe  were on located in the seaside, near the river that terrorized Zhu Zhanzheng, but still bent on crossing it.

   Zhu Zhanzheng decided to send them to their destination and leave because of gratitude, but also because they wanted to follow the river and follow a suitable place to cross the river after they reached the Beach Tribe.

    Zhu Zhanzheng and his men have to go, which makes the people of the Big Bear Tribe become a bit dull. At the same time, after realizing that Zhu Zhanzheng is very anxious, everyone has accelerated the speed. 

    After two days, Zhu Zhanzheng released the one-eyed wolf and others, no longer tied them. After being released, the one-eyed wolf and others did not escape, but stayed. 

     She is fairly safe in the team, that is, she has opinions on many men, and she still can't understand Zhou. 

    Zhou Ji think this is normal. 

    After all, he was treated best in the team and it was easy to be jealous. 

  "A big man, except for cooking, he's doing nothing, you are used by him." When eating dinner this day, the one-eyed wolf said: "You will definitely raise a white-eyed wolf like this." 

    "All I see that you are the white-eyed wolf, follow our team and eat and drink, and even say the bad words to the Messenger of the Beast God!" One of the Big Bear Tribes heard the words of the one-eyed wolf, and immediately said: "Your eyes are all white. Now, it should be called a white-eyed wolf."

    The one-eyed wolf heard the words and was very angry: "What do you say?!" 

  "I said that you are a white-eyed wolf !"

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