Chapter 4

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You spend the next few hours in bored misery. Nobody can sleep and you can hear everybody’s stomachs growling; Andy’s is the loudest. He still hasn’t eaten the insufficient breakfast. Everyone has given up trying to make him eat and they decide to talk with each other instead.

“What do you mean, dogs have ears?” Ashley says, eyeing CC suspiciously.

“Haven’t you ever seen my pug? She has ears!”

“What?!” Jinxx strokes his chin with a sarcastic tone, mocking Ashley’s playful ignorance. “I’ve never heard of such a thing…”

“Believe me, guys. Trixie has ears too! It’s true!” Jake chimes in. You laugh at their fake idiocy, enjoying their attempt to make the miserable situation better. No wonder so many people love them- it’s not just their music, it’s their personalities, their senses of humor.

From time to time you nervously glance over at Andy, as you have been the entire time. In fact, you’ve barely spoken to the other four at all- you’re too worried about him.

While you’re not worrying about Andy or listening to the others, you’re thinking deeply about the situation- you’ve always been a little bit introspective. How long have we been here? You wonder, and begin trying to count the days. September 29th was the concert…The first time we woke up it should’ve been the middle of the night…Then we

woke up this morning…It should be September 30th. Day Two. You sigh to yourself; Jinxx hears you and looks at you amidst the laughter.

“Is everything okay, (Y/N)?” The mood suddenly turns serious as the others turn towards you.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just thinking.”

“About what?”

“Nothing, really. I just…realized that this is day 2 of being kidnapped.”

“Are you okay? How are you handling it?”

“I think I’m fine…I’m more worried about him, though.” Jinxx nods, no explanation needed.

“Well, let’s cheer up, shall we? We might as well, because who knows how long we’re stuck in here.” He gives you a silly smirk, making you turn a little bit red.

“Umm…okay…” You’re uncertain of how to respond.

“I know! Let’s play 2 Truths and a Lie!” CC calls out. “Get in a circle!” Ashley gives a little whoop and scoots next to him, as do the rest of you. “Okay, who’s going first?”

“I will!’ says Jake. “Okay…” He takes a moment to think. “Uh…I love pizza...I secretly hate tomatoes…and I’m not wearing pink boxers.” You laugh at his randomness.

“Oh come on, everyone knows you like pizza!” Jinxx says, making everybody grin. “That’s out!”

“And you’ll eat any kind!” Ashley exclaims. “Which means…”

“You’re wearing pink boxers!” You finish, bursting out laughing. Jake blushes deeply and looks like he regretted saying that last bit.

“How about (Y/N)’s turn,” He tries to turn the attention on you. You feel a little bit nervous about being in the spotlight. “Umm…” You can’t think of anything that’ll be too easy, and it takes you a minute or so. “Hold on…okay. My favorite color is (F/C)…my favorite band member is Andy…and…I secretly love the word moist.”

“Eww! Who likes the word moist?!” CC yells, wrinkling his nose. “I mean, just listen to the sound: Moist. Moi-st. It’s so gross sounding. That has to be the lie!”

“Dang it, CC…” You grumble under your breath good-naturedly.

“Wait, your favorite band member is Andy?” Jinxx says, acting indignant and crossing his arms. “Hold up here.” They all give you the same look, pretending to be all offended.

“I’m sorry!” You hold up your hands in defense. “It just is! You guys are awesome too!”

“Prove it…” Jake says with a smirk. “Tell us what you like about all of us. Not just Andy.” You can see the teasing light in his eyes.

“Alright then,” you accept the challenge. “You are super kind and a good guy at heart, and your guitar solos sound wonderful.” He nods his head, making the ‘Not Bad’ meme face. You turn to look at Jinxx. “You do such a good job on the violin, it makes me want to learn violin just so I can play Overture; you make it sound so elegant.”

“Thank you, (Y/N).”

“CC…you are so funny and can make anyone smile. Your sense of humor is amazing and you have great skills on the drum set. Ashley, the bass always sound good up on stage and I really like your warpaint.” He winks at you and you giggle.

“And Andy…” You turn to the man, whose stunning blue eyes are watching- you’re not sure for how long. “Andy…you’re an inspiration to us all. Your voice is my favorite out of all the voices I’ve ever heard and your eyes are beautiful.” Your features blaze a deep

crimson after saying this sentence and then you burn up when you see him smile a little bit.

“Thanks.” He puts his head down again. It was brief, but you got him to talk again.

“Well, you proved your point, (Y/N),” says Jake. “I rest my case.” He offers a high-five and you smack his hand hard.

A knock on the door sounds. Much like the last time, the men around you are put on alert and immediately Ashley and Jinxx stand up, ready to face them if needed.

The lock turns and A opens the door, accompanied by B. He carries another plate of food, portions a little bit bigger than the last time; it’s macaroni and cheese, with one fork for all of you to share. “Here you go, losers,” A growls as B puts down the plate. “Kevin was too dumb to deliver food, he probably would’ve let you out on accident.” The rest of you exchange glances. Kevin? That’s C’s real name?

A doesn’t seem to realize that he revealed the man’s name and begins to shut the door. “Come on, B.”

“Hey, wait,” says Ashley. “We have some questions to ask you.”

“This better not take too long…” mutters A. “What is it, peasant?”

“We know you want us for ransom, and that you’re planning to get it from our tour manager Jon.”


Jinxx speaks up. “We want updates.”

A narrows his eyes. “What kind of updates?”

“I mean stuff like ‘they got the money’ or something.”


“Well, we’re a curious bunch,” you say nervously, trying to play on the captors’ humanity. “Wouldn’t you want to know what was going on?”

“True…” The man gruffly scratches the back of his head. Maybe he isn’t as tough and smart as he appears. “Alright. Here’s your first one, before you complain any more. The guy’s received the note. We have sources.” Abruptly he wheels around and B shuts the door.

“Well, we got somewhere, at least,” says CC. “Good asking, you three.”

You smile. “Thanks.”

“Well, are we going to continue our game?” Jake asks. You turn to stare at him, as if to say something along the lines of How could you speak of fun when we’re dealing with serious things? But he ignores the look you give him. “We can’t let anything ruin our fun, can we?”

You grimace, but, unable to help it, you let it turn into a half-grin. “I think it’s Ash’s turn.”

Help Me Heal, An Andy BiersackxReader BVB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now