Chapter 16

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1.1k reads holy smokes thank you all. I had a panic attack a little before writing this so sorry if it's bad.
Picture of Ajax he may be a asshole but damn he fine looking
Chandra POV

As soon as me and Mia touched the ground we were running. Mia was a sandy haired wolf while I was a pure white wolf who was smaller then her. I could here yelling when we jumped but I didn't care we were getting the hell out of here. I knew this wasn't fair to Mia constantly being on the run so I slightly adjusted our path so we were both headed back to the north instead.

Toni POV

I run out of the room and am grabbed from behind. I let out a scream and push away until I feel something pointy by my neck. I feel a burn and my brain registers it as wolfsbane and silver. I slowly feel my self lose conscious.


I know what Chandra is planning but I don't object she need to face him sooner or later.

----time skip----

Chandra POV

We had just entered Anubis pack territory when I was tackled by a wolf. It was most likely a alpha by its size and it was all brown with a white diamond on its head. Anubis fuck. The wolf does a wolffish grin I suppose and licks my face. I let out a giggle and push him away.
"Okay now shift and get dressed." I say.
He shifts back but doesn't put on clothing and I can see him in his naked glory. I feel my face heat up as I pull my gaze away from him.
"What's that matter kitten?" He says and I can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Nothing." I say looking for Mia.
"Look at me kitten." He whispers grabbing my chin and forcing me to ok at him.
I stare at his forehead avoiding his steely glare.
"Why did you run." He demands.
"What was I suppose to do watch my mate marry my sister?" I ask angrily pulling my face away.
"I will never marry her." He says hugging me.
Shocker I know he isn't so bad anymore oh snap you know who it is.

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