Chapter 2

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"Anubis get off the poor girl." I hear someone say.

"Devin get out of here." The man says.


"Um I'm not sure what my brother is up to but I am not leaving." The girl says.

"Now could you get him off me."I ask.

She laughs and grabs his ear and pulls him away from me.

"Im Chandra." I introduce my self as I hold out my hand.

"I'm Devin funny I have the same necklace." She says.

"My mom gave it to me." I say.

"Well that's odd. I was told it was one of a kind." Devin says.

"Hey when where you born?"I ask.

"January 14, 1996." She states proudly "along with idiot over there."

" Same wow that's freaky." I say confused.

Devin's POV

"Same wow that's freaky." She says.

" that's cool." I say.

Anubis shoots me a glare.

"She is a enemy she belongs in the dungeon." He growls.

"You state your full name and position in that pack." He says to her.

"Well I don't know if I would be considered an alpha or a omega." She says.

"Why do you says that?" I ask.

"Well I'm the alphas daughter but I'm treated like an omega so I guess omega." She says.

"What is your name?" Anubis growls.

" Chandra Megan Stanley." She states looking bored.

I see Anubis eyes go misty and Chandra forms a fist but before I can react she punches him where the sun don't shine and ran.

"Let her go." Our dad says as he walks in.

"Why Alpha?" Anubis ask.

"Because I don't want that bitch here." He growls and walks away.

-hey have you seen where my mate ran off to?- the betas son ask

-what does she look like- third in command son

-black hair green streak pale-b

-ya she just ran out five minutes ago with another girl.-3

-she snapped one of the guards neck-3

-we just saw that girl she punched Anubis and ran. Alpha said not to go after her.-A

-but my mate-B

-alpha said nothing about your mate you can get her just not the other girl.-A

I run to the edge of the woods and shift looking for her scent.

I don't pick up anything not a thing just smells like a bunch of humans. But why would humans be this faring the woods.

Wait it's not a bunch of humans it's just one. How come I can't smell anything.

"Wolf bane." A voice behinds me says.

I turn around and see Chandra standing there with her hair pulled out of her face showing a scar running from her eyebrow to her chin. She looks like a stick.

She runs towards me and grabs my muzzle and commands me to shift.

I try to resist but but she just grabs me around my ribs and starts crushing.

"Shift now or I will finish the job." She growls using alpha command.

I shift and look at her confused.

"Sorry Devin but I have to do this." She says pulling out a needle.

"Please don't kill me." I whimper.

"I'm not you will just be out for a few hours." She says as she injects it into me.

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