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Chandra POV
I laid next to Anubis and smiled at his sleeping form he looks so innocent and sweet. I reach over and trace his jawline with my finger gently before standing up and holding the sheets around my bare form and striding towards the window and looking down on the pack seeing the children playing and having fun. I look back at his sleeping form and see him stirring in his sleep before he opens his eyes lazily and staring right at me. I smile at him and slowly walk back to him and he sits up and scratches his head.
"Good morning handsome." I say kissing his cheek.
"I want to wake up seeing this everyday." He says kissing me. Before a scream interrupts the silence and he bolts out of bed and pulls on shorts before running out of the room. I grab a robe and run to the window and pull it tight around me and gasp when I see a small girl with black curls and and a familiar scar being held by a tall stranger. I see a large black wolf burst down to the scene surrounded by other wolves and watch the closet wolf jump forward ready to attack just as the man puts a bullet in my little sisters head.

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