Chapter 12

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If you guys have any ideas for the story please feel free to tell me I'm stuck a little. Any way on with the story. Is it bad I just realized I gave a character the same name as me? So from now on she is Callie sorry if that causes any confusion. CHAPTER DEDICATED TO THE ADORABLE WEIRDCHILD619.

Sorry that it's short.

Oh no she doesn't get away the fucking lesbian isn't ever going to see my dear Mia again.


Cierra POV

I'm scared my sissy hasn't come home and daddy is still be mean and it is only getting worse. None of my friends talk to me. Only my sisters talk to me.Amaz still talks to me and she slips me pieces of food as often as she can. She has taken over Chandra's role to me since she left.

"Cierra darling do you want to come with me for dress shopping." Callie ask.

"Am I aloud to?" I ask cautiously.

"Of course darling I want you to come." Callie says.

We walk outside and pile into a car with amaz, Aphrodite, Callie, Kylie, and Regina.

____time skip to shop____

"Okay Amaz, Aphrodite, Kylie and Regina are my bridesmaids and Cierra will be the flower girl." She says.

I tug on her hand and say" why are you getting married?"

"I don't want to but I have to its a arranged marriage if I could I would break it and Chandra could marry him." She says sadly.

Chandra POV

Me and Mia paced around the room and glanced at the clock. Toni was suppose to be here two hours ago.

Mia's phone rang and we both leapt for it and Mia got it first.

She clicked accept and speaker.


Person:Mia my dear sweet Mia.

Mia: who is this

Person: don't worry dear that girl will never see you again my flower.

Mia: did you do something to toni?

Person: she's alive for now.

Toni: Mia you need to*cough* run .

Person: shut up.

Mia: please don't hurt her she is like a sister to me.

Person: only cause you asked my dear flower but remember I'm always watching.

End of conversation.

Mia had a look of pure fear on her face.

"Mia do you know who that is." I ask.

"Yes it's-" she started before a explosion went of and a scream was heard.

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