Chapter 19

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Bella's POV

So here I am, sitting on a couch and eating cookies. I think it's been five minutes since he left and I am extremely bored. Nix seems nice although I can tell that he can be a bit aggressive. I mean did he really have to yell at the guard? Come on.

     I also wonder why Drew got scared of Nix and why Nix got angry when I mentioned him. Drew has been through so much and although I know that he is scared of the dark, why would he be afraid of the cookie-baking Nix? Also what was with the "Sector D problem 1-5-7" shit? What was that code for?

    So since I am here alone in this room, why don't I investigate? I mean it used to be my job to investigate and dig into people's personal lives. This shouldn't be hard.

   I stand up and look around the room. I see the desk that is overflowed with paperwork and make my way over there. Shuffling through the papers, I only find business deals and maps that I don't understand. To my right, I see a map that looks like it could be the map of the ship that Drew and I was on. I could tell where each sector was. From the entrance to the ship, it is down a hall and a flight of stairs into the belly of the ship and then off to the right. At least that's what the map shows. And what I can gather from the map, there are over a hundred habitats and are all over the ship. Drew and I's are in Sector H which I am gonna guess is because of the fact that we are human. That beast that tried to kill us earlier seems like it would be in Sector D, which is where the "problem" occurred.

After reading the map and trying my best to memorize it,because I feel like I will need it in the future, I look through the other papers. I know I'm prying into his business and that I shouldn't do it but I can't help it.

After five minutes, I couldn't find anything else on this desk that had any useful information. So I glance around the room to see where I should head to next. Across from the living room and the kitchen is a set of doors, so I go there but all they lead to is a bunch of empty rooms. Maybe they are guest bed rooms? Then off to the corner, I see a closet. I don't think anything would be in there. I mean who would hide something in there? So I skip it, for now, and look under the couch. Nothing.
So, as I don't have anywhere else to investigate, I guess I will check the closet but I will bet that there is nothing in there but a dusty broom. Boy was I wrong...

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