The beginning ( kind of)

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    The picture above is a Cokara. I drew it myself.

Alien species: Cokara ( coke- are- uh)

Drew's POV


     I guess I should start from the very beginning but it's a long story. So I will start from when she first showed up.
     I was in my house,( well I shouldn't say house, it is more like a shack) when all of a sudden, there was this deafening clanking sound. I look outside and 20 yards away, the Cokara, the alien species that run this ship, wheel out this blob on a cart.
      They set down the blob and go back to the transporter that leads to the mothership that just so happens to encircle my exhibit. Maybe it's because I tried to escape before. It's a long story. Let's just say I had found some pretty nifty stuff that now give me nightmares.

      Whatever this blob is, I bet it is meant to kill me. That's what they did to me after I tried to escape. They sent over these night crawlers to attack me. They do it every once in a while as a reminder to not run away. I grab my wood carved knife and go to my hiding spot. It is right at the corner where the door is. With this spot, I can look out and see everything but no one can see me.
      It has been 20 minutes and the blob still hasn't moved. Maybe it's dead. But why would they give me something dead? Unless it's food, but they don't send food this way.
      There's a slot in the wall 50 yards away from the shack, due North, that the food comes out of. It took me a few days to find it when I first came here. I was weak, starving, and was on the verge of passing out again when I found a pile of food stockpiled on the ground.
      I looked up and saw this shimmering, uniform crack in the wall. I ate the food, although it was slightly moldy, and was replenished when I thought about looking through the crack.

   Maybe I can find out where I am. I looked through, only to see a hallway with metal walls. Continuing to peep through the crack, I see a plump person pushing a cart through the hallway heading towards my slot. This person was not only plump but was also covered in sweat and smelled like hot garbage that had been rained on and left out to dry in the hot sun for the next three days.
     The cart pusher stops and takes out a tray and shoves it through the slot. The tray hits the bridge of my nose and fall back on the ground, food surrounding me. It didn't matter if it was covered in dirt and dust I was still hungry. So I dug in.

   The food was a bit weird, I've never seen anything like it before. There was a brownish gray block that kinda smelled like beef but tasted like pork and had a texture of spam ( canned meat,) a purple radish with uncooked carrots, a banana, and this weird looking blue candy that was covered in some kind of sugar powder.
     I had bit into the candy and I felt like I just bit into glass. The flavor want bad though. It tasted like cinnamon and sugar. The prices stuck to my teeth and it took a long time for it to dissolve. I ate the rest of the meal before I took a walk around the place that held me captive.

    Before I was held captive, I was a soldier for America. Many countries had entered into the war; America joining the war in 1941. I was too young back then to enter. Once I turned 17, I got drafted in.

       It was the worst thing that I have ever seen in my life. I've seen my friends being killed, their blood splattering on the dirt covered ground, and children crying and holding their loved ones while they were bleeding out. I never want anyone to see that. No one deserves to see that.

      After the war ended in 1945, I kept having nightmares and seeing my friend, Jerome, in random places. I see him being shot repeatedly in my dreams every night. I miss him a lot, seeing him only reminds me of all the good times that we've had. Him and I sharing our military packet food. Him and I sneaking a few kisses or holding hands when it's lights off.

       I know what you are thinking. It's an abomination to love the same sex, especially in 1949. As much as I want society to accept that we can love the same sex, it's probably never going to happen. We are still going to be treated horribly, having slurs thrown at us, being shot, being shunned. It's really terrible. That's why we've kept it secret. Now, as much as I love men, I also love women. I am bisexual. No one has known that about me and no one will.

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