"Good morning Sir...Sorry, Good afternoon Sir"

He ignored me and continued with whatever he was writing. I don't think I'll like this ...God helps me.

"I am waiting for your resignation later," He said lifting his palm in my direction, as he continued writing. I saw this coming but not this way.

Shouldn't I like plead?


"Do not waste my time Ms!" He looked up at me, and I wished he never did. If eyes could kill, I'd be dead now. This is what a night out with the girls has cost me? Losing my job? I'm going to do something crazy when I leave here, this is the end of my life.

"Ok sir" I turned to the exit, knowing my next move is to put my face off this planet.

"On this table is a heap of files that needs to be worked on. Take them and leave my office. "He said in a rush that I almost didn't hear him.

Turning back with a full smile on display, I guess no one wants me dead yet.
"Thank you, Sir!" I carried the files and dashed to my office.

1 hour, 30 minutes later.

I craned my neck, from left to right, and right to left, grimacing at the files that were no way reducing. There were so many of them. I know I said no one wants me dead, but this could kill me. My Boss wants me dead period! I fell on my desk and sobbed. Then my phone chose that moment to interrupt me or rather someone.

"What's up girl?"

The sound of her voice annoyed the peace in me, I wanted to break something on her head.

"Let's just say when I die...I will haunt you" I retorted, making sure she picks the distaste on my tone.

But what did she do?

She giggled.

"Do you have cancer? oh my God! you are going to die?" Vivi asked.

"Bitch I had an accident"I replied

"Jesus Christ! How? When?"She asked, now serious.

"How? When I became your friend. When? from that very day Ass boil! "

Vivi sighs audibly.

"Girl, you want to ruin my life? I almost got fired today!" I blared the anger out.

"Almost she said" She scoffs.

My jaw dropped. Did she just say that?

"Trex? You're dead? No don't die, I'm going to cry" she mimicks a cry.

"You know what Vivi? "

"Just shut up" she stops me.

I rolled my eyes, she knew I would say something she wouldn't like.

"So bad! Do not roll your eyes on me!" she warns.

"Pppffft" I rolled my eyes again.

"Don't you..."

Propose to me 💍 (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now