Sucky friends and cutting

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I have this group of friends in school. We've been together for three years and now they're ignoring me. Usually, they always talk to me but now they're ignoring me. I almost decided to cut. But it's a good thing my other classmates stopped me. And now my gang thought that I'm leaving the group so they start calling me names and it hurt me real bad. They bully me and I told my teacher; when my teacher got mad at them she told them to say sorry to me, when they did i thought everything would be back to normal but when we had our lunch they started shoving me and saying that if i tell the teacher one more time i'll be in big trouble. I secretly cut... to stop the pain.... help me please...
-Useless girl who cuts

Dear Girl Who Cuts,

I'm sorry your friends treat you like crap. if I were you, I'd not sit with them anymore and find new friends. I know telling them how you feel would probably end badly, so just go find new friends.

Also be praying that maybe you'll find new friends and for your old friends.

Please don't cut anymore! It's a horrible thing to do! It doesn't solve any of your problems and it just lets people feel like they are really getting to you, if they find out.

A lot of people have betrayed by so called 'friends' and those people are not worth crying and even bleeding over

Instead of cutting you can do other things to distract yourself:
(completely random stuff)

•Play an instrument
•Eat- something that you can't resist
•Blow up a balloon and pop it
•Learn something like how to play an instrument
•go to a public place and people watch
•organize your room/closet
•make a list of blessings in your life
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draw on yourself
•school work
•snap a rubber band on your wrist (not too often)
•go for a long drive (unless you can't drive)
•read the bible
•smile at at least five people (you usually end up smiling genuinely yourself.)
•play with little kids (siblings, neighbors, cousins, nieces/nephews)
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If none of this helps you, message me!!

Love you lots!


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