Bullies suck!!!!

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Hi! There's this girl in my school..she's a real butt! She will not stop making fun of me and a lot of other people she C_u-R_s-E_s a lot(didnt want to get reported). She thinks that my friend is like a chew toy. Oh and I 3 way called and she said she wanted to punch a wall!! Literally a wall when she thinks about me!

Dear That_one_girl10461,

Wow, that girl needs to calm down, gosh! If I were you I would ask her what her problem is with you! If you did something to her, then tell her your sorry, and your friend needs to learn how to defend herself, but..... if this girl dislikes you so much that she wants to punch a wall every time she thinks about you probably  tell her your sorry she will punch you( not trying to scare you!!). She must have low confidence in herself, and needs to bully people to feel like she is better than them. If I were you I would stay out of her way! SERIOUSLY!!!!! STAY OUT OF HER WAY!!!!!

-Good luck, Rose

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