Drifting Apart

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Hey, I have a problem and I hope you could give me some useful advice for this. My closest friends of four years is drifting away from me and I always ask her what's going on and basic stuff anyone would ask. Why? My boyfriend is her crush of last year. I know it seems very snobby but it's a whole misunderstanding that cold lead to another whole paragraph.

She always ignores me and hangs out with other people. What should I do

Dear Concerned,


I think it's rational that you're worried about this, but worrying never solves anything. I should know it's a horrible hobby of mine.

If you think your friend is going to try to get your boyfriend for herself, tell him. He needs to know how you feel, and you need to be reassured that he will stay with you.

Also tell your friend that you feel you're drifting apart. I know how it feels to be drifting from your friends, it's a feeling that scares me honestly. Telling her is the best way to fix this. She'll know how you feel and most likely help mend the relationship. If you're not comfortable with telling her try to hang out with her as much as possible. Maybe just you and her so there're no distractions. This has happened to be before and I had to tell my friends that I felt we were drifting apart, and we all felt the same way and we're closer now more than ever!

Hopefully she'll understand and your boyfriend will too! Sorry about the late answer again!
-Abby 😘

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