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Hi! Emotions here.

So I have a problem, and it's about, losing my virginity. My friends talk to me about their experiences, and aways push me to lose my virginity. But I'm very scared to do that, I also have a crush on this boy in class, which makes them pressure me. And I do want to confess to him, but I also want to break it up to my friends that I'm very scared about losing my virginity without hurting their feelings.

Dear Emotions,
Don't let them pressure you into doing something you're not ready for. They should be more understanding of your feelings. And for this boy that you like, tell him! Most of the people that I've told to tell their crushes how they feel have told me that they have the same feelings! So what's the worst thing that could happen? He rejects you? So what? At least you tried! Don't regret your choices!

Hope my advice helps you!


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