Chapter 7: Oh no!!!

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Its been a while sorry. so im going to give what happened the last chapter since im guessing you guys don't remember it. so here it is.....

What happened the last chapter:

"I'm sorry, but I have to." I stepped closer and closer. When I was finally over her, I hesitated then I put my hand on her shoulder. Then as fast as lightening strikes she had her teeth on my wrist. I could feel the blood rushing down my arm, but I had to get this over with. I pinched her, and then I felt her teeth letting go of my wrist. I pulled back to see the damage. I had blood all the way down to my elbow. I was in serious pain. I tried to hold back my tears. But then I felt my eyes filled with water, I tried to shake the tears away, but I couldn't. Then I felt someone take my arm and put a cloth around it. I looked up to see Travis' face.

Chapter 7: Oh no!!!!

Travis walked out of the door, holding my wrist, climbed up the stairs to the deck and into the other room. I didn't get a good look at where my sister was. I only heard tons of yelling and screaming. I didn't know where she was, but I hope she's ok. My wrist was still stinging from Safiya's bite. I know she was delusional but still, why did she bite me? She was my best friend, we are practically sisters. I guess the water is stronger at making people say and so things the person doesn't want than I though. I tried to look at Travis' face for answers on where we are going, but he never turned, his head was facing forward. Was he pissed? If he was, why? I had no clue where he was taking me, but he was still holding my bleeding wrist, which made it sting even more. When we were finally in the room, he shut the door. He looked around to see if anyone was here, and let go of my wrist. I looked around to see where I was, it was dark except for a candle flickering in the distance, and there was a desk in the middle of the room and cabinets against the walls. There were also painting on the walls; one of them looked like Travis' master. Then it hit me, we were in the Captain's cabin (since Travis' master is also the Captain). What the hell are we doing here? What if we get caught? I looked around to see where Travis was. I walked a little bit closer to the desk, still looking if I could see him. Where is he? This place was creeping me out. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I'm caught! I turned around not looking at the person, and kicked him in the knee cap. He fumbled backwards in pain. I ran to the door, when he grabbed my good wrist. I tried to free my wrist.

"God! Daisy, it's me. Travis! Shit! Stop it!" I stopped and turned to see Travis' beautiful brown eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you." I said.

"It's fine." With that, he turned around and headed to the desk. Then I felt bad again, he was limping because of me. Then he turned back.

"Come here." Obediently, I walk toward him. When I stood next to him he grabbed my bad hand. I whimpered, but I don't think he heard it. He was observing the wound, turning my wrist back and forth. He sighed. I tired pulling my hand back but he pulled back.

"Stop that." He hissed at me. Then with his other hand, he picked something from the desk and then put it on the wound. My wrist stung even more. I whimpered again, and this time I think he heard me cause then Travis took it off and stared into my eyes. "Sorry, forgot to tell you it might sting a little," he whispered softly. I shook my head.

"I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting it." I said giving a weak smile. He sighed and wrapped another cloth over my hand, covering the wound. He stared at my eyes again, and I did the same. I haven't noticed who beautiful his eyes were. We'll I knew he was cute, but never ever like looked in his eyes long enough to notice them. He started leaning closer to me. I did the same. I had no clue what I was doing right now, it felt right. He put his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I heart was beating fast. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I'm still not sure if I could trust him. My arms moved around his neck. I have no clue what I'm doing, my mind is telling me back away while my heart is saying kiss him. He leaned his head closer to my face. His lips brushed mine; I felt an electrical shock going through my body. I have never felt this way before. Could I actually fall in love with Travis, even everything he did to me-believing to love me, and tricking us? He might have apologized, but I still don't trust him. Could he be tricking me again, just to ruin my life even more? Before I could break away from the kiss, the door swung open hitting the wall. I turned to see a tall, dark figure, who looked pissed. Holy crap!


sorry its short, ill try to write longer next time, I just wanted to have something up since itbeen a while.

hope you like it

comment, vote, fan pretty please

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