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"Thank you for coming"

Jin bowed to the customer, a small smile drawn on the pink haired's face as the customer acknowledged the curtsey with their own, thanking Jin for her beautiful art on their skin before making their way out of the shop.

A sigh was heard in the now almost empty shop as Jin walked over to one of the office chair before sitting down, her back leaning against the chair. It was 1 in the afternoon and the woman had just completed her second appointment for the day.

It could be tiring sometimes; Dealing with customers, some even perverted once, having to stand in odd angles for some work, having to listen to all the boring stories that some came with and the worst of all, unsatisfied customers.

But Seojin was ready to deal with all of it, if that meant she could do what she loved the most; Art. Though being a tattoo artist had never crossed her mind until her friends suggested her but she is glad she took it as her career. Being a Tattoo Artist has given her the insight of a world that most sophisticated and narrow minded people around her consider as Taboo. A world where Art is given the importance that it deserves, a world that not many understand, A world that Jin is now proudly a part of.

It's been two years since Jin had her shop open and boy has she seen the ups and downs since then. A tattoo artist was already frowned upon around here, but a female at that, yeah she didn't have a good name around the block at the start. But did that stop her? No, not one bit.

Passion came with a price, it came with sacrifices and Jin had accepted that a long time ago.

But her passion also gave her a purpose in life, a new family that she is proud to be a part of, friends that care for her and do not judge her. The good weighed more than the bad; so was is all worth it? Yes, defiantly Yes.

Jin sipped at the now cold coffee that she had forgotten about after her second appointment had made an entry. Her mind now occupied with the ideas of a design for a trusted customer that wanted her to make them a new piece on their skin. Eyes wandering around the room for some needed inspiration. But her thoughts had come to a sudden halt, when she heard the familiar ring of the bell on the door, indicating someone's entry.

Jin looked towards the door, freezing for a second before a warm smile made its way on her face. "Jimin" she sighed happily before placing the half filled coffee on the counter and walking towards the latter, giving him a tight hug.

Jimin smiled back, his hands encircling around Seojin's back, reciprocating the emotions the woman felt, "Hey Noona" he whispered as they broke of from their hug, staring each other for a minute before both broke out in to giggles.

"As if we didn't just meet a week ago for chicken and sprite party" Jimin exclaimed between his giggles making Jin to laugh out loud. They could be so dramatic sometimes.

Still laughing, both sat on the office chairs near the counter as Jimin got hold of the left over coffee and started sipping it without any care. "But seriously though, I missed you" Jin stated with a soft smile. With the events that had occurred in the past week, Jin desperately wanted a company, but knew that meant explaining everything to Jimin and thus refrained from calling him until she had control over her emotions.

Jimin gave a half smile, secretly understanding what his noona meant.

He made himself comfortable on the chair before questioning, "So, How have you been?" 




"I have been good of course"  Jin stated with a tight smile. Her heart aching with each word. She was not good; she was anything but good. The event of that saturday tormented her each day. The fear, the desperation that she had felt has stayed with her to this day.

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