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Jungkook looked down at his cellphone then back at the mahagoni polished wooden door.


The golden coloured numbers on the door read. The exact same figures that he had received via text. He placed his phone back in his pocket and adjusted his shirt. He had decided to go simple with just a white shirt and skinny jeans. He wasn't sure if he would have to wear a uniform or not but that could wait until his new boss said so.

Jungkook let out a deep breath, trying to calm his fast beating heart. He had been preparing himself the whole sunday. Trying to speak formally as much as possible which Taehyung found quite funny cause the younger wasn't a big fan of formal greetings. Taehyung had been quite excited since knowing that Jungkook had gotten the job. Made sure to help Jungkook with whatever he needed, he even bought him some new clothes saying that he should look presentable.

But Jungkook knew his hyung too well. The little shit just wanted to meet the rapper or atleast get an autograph and Jungkook was sure Taehyung would use him as his pawn.

Jungkook adjusted his hairs, then looked down at his attire. Giving a slight nod to himself he held his hand up and ringed the doorbell then took a step back and waited as he clutched his bagpack strap tightly. He bit his lips nervously, heart thumping like crazy.

Almost a minute or two later he heard the sound of clicking and in seconds the door opened to reveal a familiar bundle of brown hairs. "Ah Mr. Jeon your before time, Im impressed. Please come in" Mr. Park exclaimed opening the door wider for the latter to get in.

This is it. Jungkook thought as he entered in the house following Mr. Park. As expected the apartment was as posh as it could be. The living room was twice the size of Jungkook's room and their kitchen combined. There were speakers attached in each corner of the room. A flat screen t.v in the center and attached game system. Jungkook kept gawking at everything in the room.

'How am I to clean all these stuffs everyday?!' He thought. If the living room was this big and had so many delicate stuffs he wasn't even sure what to expect from all the other rooms.

Mr. Park stood in the center of the room and turned around making Jungkook halt as well. "Let me formally introduce myself to you" Mr. Park started with a kind smile, "Im Park Jimin, Mr. Min's bodyguard and manager. I have been working for him for three years now. Im an employee just like you so don't feel pressured or intimidated, you can come to me if you have any doubts or problems."

Jungkook nodded sending the latter a greatful smile, "yes Mr.Park"

Mr. Park chuckled, "Don't be so formal with me, just call me hyung" Jungkook nodded again. He was relieved by the fact that Mr.Park wasn't so scary or serious like he looked during his interview, the older was rather adorable with that eye smile of his. Jungkook couldn't help but smile, he quite liked Mr.Park.

"Jeon Jungkook"

Jungkook attention turned towards the voice, only to come face to face with a familiar blonde rapper.


"When is he coming?"

"For the last time hyung he will be here by 9:00" Jimin groaned. He had been hearing his boss talk about the new employee from the morning. Sometimes he wondered why he took up this job.

"Jimin I swear if he is late I'll fire you" Suga exclaimed as he laid on the couch lazily, his legs dangling, holding the nutella jar in one hand while licking the spoon.

Jimin looked at him with a mock of hurt, "wha- why will I be fired?" he questioned, placing his hand over his chest. Suga gave him a grin, you could see the chocolate treat smeared on his teeth, "cause he is too cute for me to fire him"

Jimin scoffed, "Three years of taking all your shit and this is what I get" he grumbled. Suga gasped dramatically as he sat up straight, "now jimin that's a bad thing to say, you're being a very bad boy" Suga exclaimed as he pointed his spoon at the younger, "you need to be punished" the rapper smirked.

The younger rolled his eyes, "Please hyung, that doesn't work on me anymore."

"But you liked it when I punished you before, you liked it when I shoved my cock in that little hole of yours, you were screaming like a needy slut" suga exclaimed, the smirk still evident on his face. Jimin huffed, folding his hands together, "oh please we hooked up one time and that too because we were drunk. I am quite happy with my current boyfriend who happens to be quite a sweet heart." Jimin exclaimed with a soft smile.

"Oh yes Hoseok, have you told him how I took you to hong kong with this tongue of mine?"

"Stop being so full of yourself hyung. And let me tell you, Hoseok takes me places that you couldn't even spell. Damn that dancer knows his moves in bed" Jimin groaned as he bit his lips. His mind picturing a naked Hoseok pounding him while he whined like a slut he was.

"Yeah sure bu-" suga was suddenly cut off when he heard the door bell ring. Suga jumped out of the couch, the nutella jar still in his hand as he rushed towards the front door. He peeked through the peep hole and realized that it was Jungkook. He then ran back to Jimin. "Jimin it's him! What do I do? What do I do?" Suga whisper yelled making Jimin to roll his eyes.

"You open the door dipshit" he said.

"No, I am the boss, I can't show him that I've been waiting for him that will make me look desperate" suga mumbled, taking another lick from his nutella covered spoon. "But you are desperate" jimin pointed out.

Suga scoffed and pointed the door, "shut up and open the door, while I keep this jar of love back in the kitchen" the blonde exclaimed as he held out the nutella jar and rushed towards the kitchen. Jimin let out a heavy sigh as he got up and headed towards the front door.

"Things we have to do for money"


nutella = ♥


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