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On a cloudy night, with violet black horizon, he was roaming on the empty roads in his car, with his bestfriend.

"Sanjay, slow down the car," Karthik shouts at him. The speedometer read almost 150 kmph.

But, Sanjay was not in the mood to listen to him.

Sanjay, 6'1 height, well built, with looks as a Greek God with chocolate brown, commanding eyes. His name was enough for others to think they have tough competition in any aspect. He acts like an arrogant man, but to him he is perfect. No one ever dared to speak against him. No one can find a mistake in him. He is an example of perfection. He will get what he wants even it is by force. He is man of words.

He, Karthik, and Shiv started a company SKS Group of Industries, which is running with huge profits. Their hardwork and determination helped the company top within three months of the start.

Sanjay is the only son of top businessman, Krishna and Naina. He prefers to stay by himself because he and his father cannot withstand each other for a moment. So, at the time of starting his company, he came out to live independently. His mom always urges him to get married but he doesn't believe in relationships. He thinks that marriage, in general, was a huge burden. He doesn't give attention to girls, though he knows he can get any of them on their knees.

Car racing is what he likes the most. Most of which, he enjoys the thrill and the rush. Other than that, when he is in his mood, he picks up the strings to play guitar, calming his thoughts and soul. The only people he cares about are his mother, Karthik and Shiv.

Karthik told Sanjay to slow down the car but Sanjay didn't give a damn. Fed up, Karthik gave up .

Karthik, height 5'9", with fit appearance and curly hair, but perfect in his own way. He is a calm person who tries to understand others, though at times, he can be an idiot. Secretly, he loves to paint whatever inspires him. He is the son of the most successful doctor, who now runs the top most multi speciality hospital. For him, love is something that happens suddenly without one's knowledge. He is the example of perfect gentle man.

Sanjay lifts the call, without looking at the screen, knowing it was Shiv.

"Hey, Shiv. What a surprise! Wonder what the lover boy wants," Sanjay says, with humour clearly audible in his voice.

"Stop joking around, Sanjay. Tomorrow, we have an important meeting with Mr. Harish. Don't waste time roaming uselessly, " Shiv scolds.

"Okay, man. Chill. Stop acting like Hitler.What Your order is, we have to follow." Karthik jokes with sarcasm.

"Ha ha. Stop joking around." Abruptly, Shiv cut the call.

Shiv is very hardworking person. He struggled very hard to become what he is today. He knows how to value every person and everything.

Vandana is the love of his life. She has been with him ever since they met at a conference two years ago. Their instant connection is something they always wonder about. She is always there for him, and him for her. His friends tease that he is whipped by a girl but he brushes them off, explaining that it was the magic of love.

Vandana is a petite woman, who cares for the people she loves. If she didn't, she would give a piece of her and not care. For her, Shiv is everything. After a lot of struggles and hurdles, they convinved their parents and elders to a commitment.

Niharika and Mouktika were talking to each other, sitting in the balcony, looking out towards the road. Both of them were enjoying the chill breeze of the starless night. Her mind gave the attention on the calm road, when a car sped on the silent street road. How can someone be so negligent about one's self and drive rashly? Did he have a death wish? Once she saw the person in the car clearly, she turned around went into her room, not giving a further thought.

Niharika is a very curious soul. Everything always excites her. Something always happened, her being a good observer. More over, sharing her day with her best friend, Mouktika, made her day.

The best friends share many similarities. Their first meet was during 11th grade, at college fest. They always say, two crazy friends with same mental illness is deadly combination. In case of Niha and Moukti, it was like the saying was written for them.

They share crazy thoughts and no secrets were held in between them. Nothing, literally, could come to seperate each other. They enjoy their lives a lot, even of it meant they had no boy to make their individual souls complete.

Niha is a cute, chubby girl who completed medicine and doctor by profession, as a result of her hard work. The only person she has left is her elder brother, Varun. He works for SKS Group of Industries. Though he has many dreams, he sacrificed it for his sister's happiness. But, he never felt it was a burden. It was his responsibility after their Mom left them.

Niha's daily routine included to wait for her brother and share her day with him. They were the only people in their house. She loves her brother a lot. She could never imagine anyone hurting her brother.

Niha is usually not a traditional girl but behaves as per time. She has crazy bucket lists as to drink beer, to explore different places, ride a bike, kiss a random stranger, taste exotic food. Being a huge food lover, chicken was her most favorite. If Niha is mad or happy, just get her chicken.

She is satisfied with what she has. She doesn't expect for big things.

Her love life was absolutely nil. She was the one who expects a proposal from a guy but never gets one. It was mostly because of the looks she gave and never entertained strangers. Sometimes, she felt pity on herself, but she kept telling herself there was a guy just like her, waiting to meet her, as desperate as her.

Mouktika is a sweet caring girl, fashion designer by profession. She was a beauty, every guy wanted a chance. She adopts to modern culture very quickly. She strives to be a trendsetter for every girl, especially who needed any kind of help. After 12th grade, Moukti wanted to do something different. So, she chose modelling as her career. And now she achieved what she wants, she looks forward for what life has to offer.

Sanju, Karthik, Niha, Moukti are living their best lives of themselves, or are they?

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