We were sitting inside one of the booths on the right-wing while in the center, on the dance floor, sweaty bodies were moving with the beat. As I settled on the sofa, I caught the sight of those rich jerks again. I don't know why, but they were just aching my eyes. There were on the left V.I.P wing, sitting in the exact opposite booth from us.

The loud hooting from my booth made me look away from them. One of Clara's friends had bought an empty bottle of wine, and they had already rotated the bottle, and it had stopped on a girl. They asked her 'truth or dare', and she chose to dare, erupting the group into hooting.

A brave girl, or should I say, a poor girl, because they dared her to kiss the guy, standing with a girl who seemed like his girlfriend. Poor guy!

She went and kissed him. That guy also responded to her kiss, making me smirk. Typical boys!

But then the guy's girlfriend slapped her boyfriend along with the girl and stormed out of everyone's sight. I chuckled at the scene. That was unexpected. That poor guy ran behind her, and the one who completed her dare came back silently. Anyway, she completed her dare so, everyone applauded her.

Once again that bottle was spun. And when it stopped... I internally cursed. All eyes focused on me. I looked at everyone before my gaze settled on Clara's challenging smirk.

"So barbie doll, Truth or Dare?" Clara asked amusedly as if she had won something.

But didn't she know me? A smirk formed over my lips as I winked at her.

"Of course, Dare, baby girl." It would be fun.

She observed the whole club before she stopped, and that stupid smirk on her face deepened. I followed her gaze only to meet with the sight of those V.I.P jerks. I frowned.

"Look, that guy over there with a white button-down shirt and black ripped jeans. Go and slap him," She said, pointing at one of those jerks.

My brows rose. "What?" I was a little shocked.

Did I hear her right?

"Miss Quine Skylee Kingston, I said go and slap that guy over there," she repeated, this time using my full name. I threw a deadly glare at her. She knew she shouldn't use my full name.

I stood up from my seat and stared at that guy. His back was facing me, and he looked busy with someone over there, probably in the middle of a hot make-out session. I bit my lower lip and contemplated the situation. I was not afraid of hitting someone, but slapping someone without any reason would be a bad idea. It would be rude, and the consequence might make me end up in trouble.

But who cares when you're challenged? I'm going to leave this city anyway. So, it won't be that bad, right?

"Do you even hear your words, Clara?" I titled my head, giving her a look.

"Why? Are you scared?" She winked with a grin, aiming a dart right at my ego. And it hit hard.

'As if,' I huffed. I controlled myself from crashing that wine bottle on her head and passed her a sweet smile.

"Clara dear, do you know me? If yes, then you should know who's the scariest one here," I retorted with a double meaning. She scoffed at my answer while everyone in the booth just watched us amusedly. My and Clara's bickers were a regular source of entertainment for them.

I stepped out of the booth and watched the boy. I had to slap him. I couldn't let Clara have a point in this game. She made it a matter of my dignity. So no backing up now. Sorry boy!

Taking a sharp breath in, I walked past many dancing bodies from one corner to the other corner of the club, and soon I was standing right behind him.

Gathering all my courage, I patted his shoulder. He turned around with a confused look on his face. His grey eyes met my emerald ones. Those grey orbs roamed over my face confusedly but with a weird glint.

I didn't think much and slapped him. Hard! It was so harsh that his head tilted to the left side, and my hand went numb for a moment. Damn! It was a hard one. I didn't intend it to be this hard. It seemed like every person in the club went still, only leaving the ear-crushing music.

He slowly turned his head back with a huge frown on his face. It took all my strength to bite back my laugh at his face. I didn't know why, but the situation seemed so funny to me. There was a slight red mark, printing my fingers on his perfect sharp jaw-lined cheek.

His friends who were standing on both sides glared at me. The right one who had Korean features shouted, "What the fuck!"

While the left one stepped forward, "Why the hell did you slap him? Do you even know who he is? You bitch!"

My brows rose. Anger was fuming in both of their voices. Of course, good pets, but...

"How dare you call me a bitch? You asshole!" I shouted back loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You..." The left one was about to shout something back at me again, when finally 'Mr. Got Slapped' stopped him by raising his hand, finally showing some gesture after getting slapped.

After watching the whole drama silently from the last minute, now his grey eyes were boring holes in my skull. I gulped as his stare caused a shiver to run down my spine.

His continuous glare made me skip a heartbeat, and I froze at my spot. I didn't blink. He didn't blink. Then... He stepped closer and closer, so close that he started interrupting my personal space. His grey eyes seemed ready to kill me if only looks could kill. I literally felt his not-so-minty breath fanning my face. But I didn't move nor even blink. I kept on staring at him. He stared back at me, unfazed.

'Am I scared right now?' I gulped at the thought.

But before he could lean further, a muscular arm pushed him back, and I released the breath that I was holding for so long. It was my bodyguard; Number 1.

He stood in between me, and Mr. Got Slapped, blocking my view of him. Then, he spoke to me, probably throwing daggers at those boys.

"We need to leave, Miss," Number 1 said. I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

I signaled Clara and her friends with a nod and wink that I completed my dare. Good thing that those boys didn't create any fuss except for just glaring. Soon we were out of the club, and I bounced on the back seat of the car.

My heart was still thumping badly in my chest. I was so close to creating a big mess tonight, but now it would be okay because soon I was going to leave this city. And well, who cared? It wasn't like I would ever meet him again.

"Ma'am Octavia ordered us to bring you back home," Number 2 said.

"Who was that guy, by the way?" Number 1 asked curiously.

"Who knows..." I grinned with a shrug. I don't know who he was. Probably a rich jerk... Whom mood and reputation I had ruined. I laughed, remembering his face.

Oh, God! I will never forget tonight.

The last memory of the City of Angels - Los Angeles, which was funny, interesting, stupid, and more than idiotic, but a memorable one.

As my car moved away from the club, I didn't know that it would be just the beginning of the end. I closed my eyes, and rested my head against the headrest, unaware of the future that I had just spiced a lot.

 I closed my eyes, and rested my head against the headrest, unaware of the future that I had just spiced a lot

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Tamam (Alright, Okay)

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Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now