Chapter 14

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Everyone looked over to the entrance and our jaws all dropped at the site of the guests.

Fifteen adults were coming in and you could feel the power radiating off of them.

The first two people who walked in seemed like the equivalents of Dumbledore and McGonagall. They seemed they were in charge. The man was in a suit that was a bright sky blue and the woman was wearing a long white dress that was very light and flowy. I went down to her ankles and she had silver heels.

 After those two we announced there were eight men and five women announced after them. One man was in a wheelchair but he seemed to be of importance because he was wearing a very expensive-looking suit.

The one person who caught my attention the most was a woman that was in a long pale pink dress that had a leg slit. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. Every male seemed to look at her and only her.

I turned around to ask Percy, Thalia, or Nico who they were but they were gone. 

My attention was retaken when McGonagall made another announcement.

"Now, since Professor Dite requested it, the next people will be announced in couples."

I looked back over at the entrance and McGonagall announced the first person.

"Thalia Grace."

'Weird she wasn't announced with someone else...' I thought before realizing she was indifferent clothes.

She was wearing a knee-length navy blue dress and had a black leather jacket on. She had her hair down and you could see multiple silver bracelets on her wrist.

"Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque."

A muscular boy and a small girl walked in behind Thalia. And although the height makes them seem a lot older or younger than each other they both looked seventeen.

The girl was wearing a sleeveless long gold dress. She had curly brown hair that bounced behind her as she walked. The boy had a black suit with a gold tie.

"Jason Grace and Piper McLean."

"Huh...didn't know Thalia had a brother..." I thought.

The boy had a blue suit on but he looked nothing like Thalia. Maybe they were adopted? I don't know. Anyways, the girl was wearing a knee-length pale pink dress. She had a gold dove hair clip holding her hair back and some gold bracelets. She seemed very uncomfortable and she kept glaring at Professor Dite.

"Leo Valdez and Calypso."

An elfish boy walked in wearing a black suit. The girl beside him was wearing a long white dress that went down to her ankles and had a gold belt around her waist. Her hair was in a long fishtail braid and the two of them had huge smiles on their faces.

"Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase."

Percy walked in wearing the same thing he had left in. The girl at his side was wearing a long, sleeveless, grey dress with a blue cape that matched Percy's tie. 

"And last but not least, the power couple of Olympia, Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace."

The two boys walked in wearing matching suits. Nico's tie had changed into a gold color and the two had huge smiles on their faces. There were some gasps, but other than that people clapped as they walked in just like the others.

"Now please welcome these students as if you have known them all your life. May the music start again!"

The music started and everyone started dancing. The students of Olympia walked off stage and walked over to us.

"Hey everyone," Percy said with a huge smile.

"Hey, all of you," Hermione replied.

"These are the students that we are the closest to. We all have been on quite a few adventures ourselves but let's introduce ourselves shall we?" Percy asked the girl beside him and she nodded.

"I'm Annabeth Chase. I'm the smartest girl at our school. After a war, our school was in I helped rebuild the whole thing. Also, if you get on my nerves I will either throw a book at you, hex you, or judo flip you. And you would be better off with the book or hex." she said with a smirk.

Percy nodded, "I know from experience."

We all laughed and the muscular boy came forward.

"I'm Frank Zhang. I'm good with my wand but if I can I always look for a way to get high up and attack with a bow and arrows. You could also say I'm an animagus." he said with a small smile.

"Animagus? What animal?" Hermione asked as she looked curiously at him.

"Bear." he quickly replied.

She nodded and the girl who came in with him came forward.

"I'm Hazel Levesque. I'm Nico's half-sister. My first adventure you could say was with Frank. When we were in a group thing that was similar to Dumbledore's Army at our school, I trained many people."

"It's nice to meet you," Pansy said with a smile.

Hazel nodded and went back with Frank.

Then Jason came forward.

"I'm Jason Grace. I am Thalia's brother even though it may be hard to believe. Let's see...I am very talented in the air on a broom."

"So you're not adopted?" I asked.

"Nope same mother and everything." he quickly replied before walking back and sending the girl he walked in with forward.

"I'm Piper McLean. I am good with spells but when I was younger I was taught how to use a dagger as a weapon. You could say I'm part Veela." she said with a smirk.

Her eyes seemed to be multiple colors. It was hard to explain.

Anyways, she went back to Jason and the elfish boy came forward.

"Hey, I'm Leo Valdez. Also known as Super-Sized McShizzle Bad Boy Supreme. Let's see, I'm good with spells but I am also pretty good with machines."

"Build anything worth mentioning?" Draco asked.

Leo smirked, "A bronze dragon that you could take as alive."

Draco's eyes widened, "A dragon? Could it fly? Did it shoot out any fire? Oh my god, that's awesome!"

He laughed, "He could fly, shoot fire, and he was pretty awesome. Sadly, he broke down during an adventure."

Jason patted his back and smiled. Leo smiled back at sent the girl he was with forwards.

"I'm Calypso. I'm very good with magic but I'm known for my healing spells."

She stepped back to Leo and the boy Nico came with came forward.

"I'm Will Solace. I'm not as good in magic as the others but I make up for it with everything I know about healing. Whether it is a spell or potion I'll know how to help." he said with a smile.

"Well, now I think it's you guy's turn to introduce yourself?" Percy asked.

I nodded and soon enough we were all introduced and having fun.

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