Chapter 2

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I had just apparated to the burrow when I see everyone sitting in the living room silent.

"Uhm...What's up, everyone?" I asked as I walked into the room.

"We're taking in a transfer kid. They are coming in tomorrow morning to get school supplies," Molly replied.

"Well, that's great! Isn't it? We get to show another person the amazement that is Hogwarts. It'll be like it's their first year," I said trying to get rid of the weird silence.

"Yeah. I just wish it was at a better time..." Hermione said as she looked up at me.

Now I know why they are so weird about this. It's because of old Voldy. It's been a month and a half since Dumbledore's funeral. I had just gotten back from 12 Grimmwald Place. That's where I have been staying for a little while.

"Well, I think it's a good time. I mean not only are they coming to Hogwarts but they get to go to Bill and Fleur's wedding. Where are they from? Maybe weddings are different there?" I asked trying to stay off of the topic of Voldy.

"They are from America. New York to be exact. They are from a school called Olympia School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I've never heard of it but the letter said it was only a few years old." Ginny replied.

"Sounds cool. Is it a girl or a boy?"

"A boy. But three students are coming. One girl and two boys. Their names are Percy, Nico, and Thalia. Percy will be staying with us here." Molly said.

"Percy will be the one staying with us," Ginny added.

I nodded, "Nice. How about I come and help you with dinner, Mrs. Weasley?"

"I would love that darling," Molly said with a smile.

I nodded and the two of us headed into the kitchen while the others stayed in the living room and talked.


It's after dinner and I am heading out to the living room when I hear someone call out my name.

I turn around and see Hermione standing there, "What's up, 'Mione?"

"Nothing. But do you think it's a good idea for the Weasley's to bring in a transfer student? I mean they are part of the order and work with you. Percy could be in danger because he is here..." I didn't know what kind of facial expression she had. She seemed tired, angry, sad, and scared.

"Hermione, McGonagall assigned the students to families. I'm positive Percy will be fine. And I'm sure, no matter who they are living with, Thalia and Nico will be fine also. I'm sure they are staying with Neville or Luna or someone else who is trustworthy." I replied with a small smile.

Hermione nodded and gave me a quick hug before heading upstairs to go to bed. I sat down on the couch and played with the golden snitch Dumbledore left me in his will. It's the very first snitch I ever caught. Ron got the deluminator and Hermione got his copy of The Tales of Beatle the Bard.

I was playing with the snitch when I heard a pop from behind me. I turned around and saw Charlie standing there with a mischevious smirk on his face. I got off of the couch and put the snitch back in my pocket before heading over to him.

"Nice to see you, Charlie!" I exclaimed before giving him a bro hug.

"You too mate. Now where are the twins and my baby sister?" he asked with a smirk.

"Right here!" I heard Ginny exclaim.

I turned around and saw the three of them with huge smiles.

"Hey, you three! Pull any good pranks on Ron lately?" Charlie asked before hugging the three of them.

"What do you expect? Us to just let him live a prank free life? Please, Charlie you know I have turned things into spiders," Ginny said with a smirk.

Charlie laughed and looked at the twins, "Now how has your store been? Any secret projects I can test out?" 

"You bet," Fred said.

"Plenty of them," George added.

"Good, now I think it's a good time to head to bed don't you think?" Charlie asked.

"I guess. We'll see you in the morning. Your room is waiting for you," Ginny said with a smile before taking one more hug from her brother.

Charlie smiled at the three other redheads in the room and headed off to his room.

"I can't believe the wedding is this weekend!" Ginny exclaimed before sitting down on the couch.

"Yeah. Three days and Bill and Fleur will be married," I replied as I sat down next to her.

Ginny and I stayed in the living room and talked for a couple of hours. Soon enough we were the last two awake in the house. 

"It's been a while since we've done this. Staying up late at night just talking." I said with a small smile.

"It's nice," Ginny replied with a smile.

Eventually, we both got tired so we both headed up to bed. I headed up to Ron's room and she went to her own room that had a sleeping Hermione in it. I headed into the room and I changed into some comfier clothes. I laid down in bed and I fell asleep thinking about what challenges the new transfer students were going to bring.

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