Chapter 21

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It's months later so let me tell you everything that has happened.

Ron went to Azkaban and will be staying there for a while.

Draco and Hermione have gotten closer than ever before.

Draco introduced Hermione to his mother and she eventually got used to her.

Harry and Ginny have gotten closer.

Blaise and Pansy got together.

Theo and Daphne got together.

Really all of the couples have gotten closer.

The friend group has become more like a family.

OWLS went well for everyone and we all get to graduate from Hogwarts. It's a new thing.

The demigods all got to go back to camp for a week and see everyone there.

An end-of-the-year ball was announced.

It's the night of the ball now so everyone is getting ready.

The professors allowed for houses to merge for getting ready together so all of us guys were in the Slytherin tower and the girls were in the Gryffindor tower.

Everyone was matching. The guys were all wearing either a black or white tux and they had a tie to match the color of their girl's dress. Nico and Will were both wearing a black tux with a gold tux.

When we all met at the bottom of the Gryffindor girl dorm steps we were all floored by their beauty.

They all had their hair in amazing updos or just curled or having accessories or really anything. They did their makeup amazingly and they didn't even need it when they had the brightest smiles on their faces. The dresses were all beautiful and they all matched all of their personalities perfectly.

"You all look beautiful!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Thanks, Percy. But you haven't even seen Annabeth!" Hermione exclaimed while walking over to Draco.

I looked up the stairs and saw Annabeth standing there with the biggest smile on her face.

She had a long, navy blue dress on. It was tight above her waist but below the fabric flowed down around her. There were different layers of lace all over the dress to add patterns and textures. It was beautiful. She had a small silver tiara with a jewel right in the center. She had a sapphire and silver necklace around her neck and she had navy blue and silver heels on.

"You look absolutely beautiful..." I said with a giant smile.

She laughed, "Thanks Seaweed Brain."

I took her hand and we all headed to the Great Hall.

The decorations were amazing as always. The teachers were all on the stage talking to each other and other students were talking and having fun.

The right wall had been removed and it opened out to a beautiful garden with lights and a water fountain right in the center. Since the whole school was invited to this ball it was majorly crowded. We all headed out to the garden and stay out there. The music was still pretty loud and we danced, talked, laughed, and had fun all night.

Around the end of the night, people had been starting to leave so we headed back inside. 

"Hey, Seaweed Brain, can you go get me something to eat? Maybe a piece of fruit or something?" Annabeth asked as she sat down with Hermione and Ginny.

I smirked, "Yeah. I'll be right back."

I walked over to the food table and I saw a bowl filled with bright red apples. I picked the one in perfect condition and I tossed it in my hand a few times. I then started to head back over to where my Wise Girl was sitting.

"So did you get me something good?" she asked with a smile.

"Yep." I tossed her the apple and she caught it without hesitation.

"Thanks." she said before looking at the apple in her hand, "Wait a minute..."

I smiled even more, "Hephaestus is almost done with the ring."

"Oh my god! Percy!" she exclaimed before jumping out of her seat and into my arms.

"What is going on exactly?" Draco asked.

"Yeah what ring?" Ginny added.

"Wait...Tossed apple...Ring...Very excited Annabeth...Greek mythology...OH MY GOD!!!" Hermione figured it out and congratulated us.

"I'm still confused," Harry said.

"Annabeth, will you marry me?"

Everyone's jaws dropped. We're eighteen yes, but since we are demigods no one knows how long we'll live.

"Yes!" Annabeth replied before planting a kiss on my lips.

"Marry you? What? An apple is an engagement ring?!" Harry asked.

"Alright everyone, gather around let me explain everything," I said with a smile.

"In ancient Greece, a man would toss an apple to the woman he wanted to marry as an offer of engagement. If the woman catches it, she has accepted the proposal and they will get married. If she doesn't, they aren't engaged. Since I tossed an apple to Annabeth and she caught it, we are now engaged."

"I'm just surprised you got my mother's blessing," she said with a laugh.

"Remember that day when we went back to Camp Half-Blood and I was gone for over twelve hours? That whole time I was asking for her blessing and she made me prove to her that I was good enough for you. The other day I was gone I asked your father for his blessing, and I worked with Hephaestus to design your ring." I replied.

"Wait aren't you guys only eighteen?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, but when you're a demigod you don't really know how long you'll actually live," Jason replied with a smirk.

"Titans, monsters, and gods oh my!" Leo exclaimed with a laugh.

The rest of us laughed also and I looked at the wizards and witches, "Yeah lot's of things want to kill us."

"Even the gods? I thought they were your parents?" Blaise asked.

"The Olympians have become...Ok with us being alive now. But minor gods and goddesses don't like us sometimes still." Annabeth answered.

"How about we get back to dancing, yeah?" Harry asked with a smirk.

Everyone agreed and we all got up and ran onto the dance floor.

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