Chapter 3

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It's early in the morning and I had just woken up. I got out of bed and I headed out to the Mess Hall to quickly eat breakfast.

Once I was done I headed to the Big House with Thalia and Nico. When we got into Chiron's office we saw him standing there with Mr. D holding three sticks.

"What are those?" I asked as I pointed to the three sticks.

"They are your wands. Now, Thalia, your wand is made out of pinewood and has a manticore stinger core. It is eleven inches and is flexible." Chiron said before handing Thalia her wand.

"Now, Nico, your wand is made out of oak wood and has a werewolf claw core. It is nine inches and is flexible." he handed Nico his wand and looked over to me.

"And lastly, Percy. Your wand is made out of blackwood and has a unicorn hair core. It is eleven inches and is slightly flexible." Chiron handed me my wand and I looked at it closely.

I realized that these wands made me feel even more powerful. I then remembered that Athena made it so the wands thought we were wizards and witches. We could do the spells we knew and use our own powers.

"Now it is time for you to go to your homes. Are you ready?" Chiron asked looking at the three of us.

I looked at the other two and they nodded. I looked back at Chiron and nodded, "Ready as we'll ever be."

Mr. D waves his hand and I feel myself leaving the camp and when I opened my eyes back up I looked around where I was. 

It was the definition of homey. I could tell there were many people who lived here because everything seemed to be happening. But what amazed me was that they were able to use their powers to do chores. Dishes were doing themselves, the floor was being swept and mopped, laundry was being folded, everything was happening. I loved it.

As I continued to look around I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I turned around and saw four people standing there. Two boys and two girls.

"Hello. I'm Percy Jackson." I said to the four people.

"Hi, Percy. I'm Harry Potter." said a boy with glasses, messy hair that could rival mine, green eyes, and a lightning scar on his forehead.

"Nice to meet you, Harry."

"I'm Hermione Granger." said a girl with curly but not too curly brown hair, brown eyes, and she seemed to be scanning me over while smiling. She reminded me of Annabeth.

"I'm Ron Weasley." said the boy redhead. He had tons of freckles and a kind look in his eyes.

"And I'm Ginny Weasley." said the last girl. She had red hair and bright eyes that seemed to notice every movement that happened in the room. She had a kind look in her eyes, but also a look that made it seem like she could kill you if she wanted to.

"Well, it's nice to meet the four of you. I am excited to finally see Hogwarts. I have heard a lot about it," I said with a smile.

"Well, before you can go to Hogwarts you need to get supplies. Once the rest of the house wakes up we can head out and get our supplies." Harry replied.

"But we also need to get you something nice to wear. Our brother is getting married this weekend and you have been invited. You don't have to come but I think it would be a good idea." Ginny added.

I smiled, "I have been to a wedding recently for my mom and stepdad but I would happily go to another if I'm welcome. Just wondering though, are my friends invited?" 

"Of course they are. The people they are staying with are coming anyway so they will be coming as well." I heard another voice say.

I looked towards the kitchen which was where the voice seemed to come from and I saw the mother of the two redheads making some breakfast.

"I'm Molly. It's nice to meet you, dear. My husband had to leave for work early sadly but you can meet him this evening at dinner. Now you can go and put your things in Percy's room..."

A frown had grown on her face when she said the last sentence, "Percy? I know I'm Percy but I'm guessing there is another Percy?" 

"Another one of our brothers." I heard a voice say.

"He isn't coming to the wedding." another voice said.

"For Merlin knows why." they both said at the same time. 

I looked at the stairs and saw a set of redhaired twins.

"I'm Fred and he's George." one of the twins said.

"Nice to meet you," I replied.

I saw Molly glaring at the two boys and I looked at them with a brow raised. I saw them holding some weird candy but I had the feeling I wouldn't want to eat any of it.

"Now, come and get breakfast. You five can leave when you are done. Your friends will be at Diagon Ally waiting for you when you get there." Molly said.

We all headed to the table and I sat down and loaded my plate.

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